By the end of February Alan had gained more familiarity with the electronic equipment that was used in the laboratory.
Although his work was primarily theoretical, he asked many questions about oscilloscopes and frequency analysers,
such as they were using for breaking speech encipherment systems, and left them impressed with the amount of knowledge he had picked up.
He also took advantage of the theoreticians at Bell Labs, for instance learning from Nyquist his theory of feedback, which was a new departure making use of the complex numbers.
But another significant interaction of his visit was the one he made every day at teatime in the cafeteria.
Here he met a person who had been able to take the part of an academic, philosophical engineer, the role that Alan might have liked had the English system allowed for it.
This was Claude Shannon, since 1941 working for Bell Laboratories.
While Friedman was Alan's opposite number in terms of direct responsibility for cryptanalytical work,
Friedman was an older and more old-fashioned figure: a code and cipher fanatic, rather than someone who had looked at cryptology through the eyes of modern science as Alan had.
In intellectual depth it was Shannon who was Alan's opposite number, and they found a good deal in common.