It would be a great convenience to say the least if the notation chosen were intelligible as mathematics when printed by the output ...
once the suitable notation is decided, all that would be necessary would be to type more or less ordinary mathematics and a special routine called, say, 'Programme' would convert this into the necessary instructions to make the machine carry out the operations indicated.
This may sound rather Utopian, but I think it, or something like it, should be possible, and I think it would open the way to making a simple learning programme.
I have not thought very seriously about this for long, but as soon as I have finished the Draughts programme I intend to have a shot at it.
He had been thinking about the learning process, not only in the classrooms of Harrow School, but by playing the logical game of Nim with a non-mathematical friend.
Most mathematicians would know from Rouse Ball's old Mathematical Recreations that there was an infallible rule for a winning strategy, based on expressing the number of matches in each heap in binary notation.
Few people were likely to spot this rule through play, but Strachey's friend did notice a special case of it, namely that a player who could achieve the position (n,n,0) had won, for thereafter it was only necessary to copy the opponent's moves to reduce the heaps down to (0,0,0).
没有多少人能在游戏时总结出这样的策略,不过斯特拉齐的朋友却发现了一个特殊情况,即只要能够达到(n, n,0)这样的局面,就肯定能赢,因为在这之后,只需要一直模仿对手的取法,就能在最后使局面变成(0, 0,0)。
It was the element of abstraction achieved by a human learner that interested Strachey.
He had worked out a program which could keep a record of winning positions, and so improve its play by experience, but it could only store them individually, as (1,1,0), (2,2,0) and so on.
他编写了一个程序,把所有的必胜局面记下来,从而根据经验来提高胜率,但它只能离散而独立地存储这些局面,比如(1, 1,0)(2, 2,0)等。
This limitation soon allowed his novice friend to beat the program. Strachey wrote:
This shows very clearly, I think, that one of the most important features of thinking is the ability to spot new relationships when presented with unfamiliar material...
and his Utopian 'Programme' was explained as one of his 'glimmerings of an idea as to how a machine might be made to do it.'
Alan's interests were by now centred on biology but he was still keen to develop such speculative ideas about mechanical thinking.