1. Use moisturizer and oil
1. 涂抹保湿霜和润肤油
Got some dry patches, redness, and pimples popping up? Deep breaths. Grab that moisturizer and some of your favorite serum. Place a little moisturizer in the palm of your hand then add 3-4 drops of serum. This will give your skin a burst of nourishment to keep the skin tone even and the brighten up your complexion. This is especially awesome during long flights and lots of outdoor traveling.
脸上长了干斑、红肿或粉刺?请深呼吸 。拿起你的保湿霜和最爱的精华吧 。取少量保湿霜,倒入掌心,然后加入3至4滴精华 。这会滋养您的肌肤、保持肤色均匀、焕发光彩 。长时间飞行或户外旅行时,此方法尤为有效 。
2. Grab some concealer
2. 涂抹遮瑕膏
Now, I know I am not the only one who swears by concealer. First, do me a favor and check to make sure the stuff you are using is not poison. Sometimes, the very things people use to make themselves look better is actually the cause of the issue in the first place. If your concealer has toxic chemicals or other ingredients that could be causing skin issues, chuck it immediately.
现在,我知道相信遮瑕膏强大功能的人不止我一个 。首先请您帮个忙:检查一下你所使用的遮瑕膏是不是'毒药' 。有时候,人们所使用的让自己更光彩照人的产品实际上却是导致她们皮肤差的'罪魁祸首' 。如果你的遮瑕膏含有有毒化学物质或其它可能导致皮肤问题的成分,一定要立刻扔掉!
3. Ice, ice baby
3. 冰镇肌肤
I never believe that ice baths (or cold showers) could actually help the skin. Many celebrities also use cold water or ice in the morning to reduce redness and treat early morning zits. The ice can cool the skin, too, to make it look less irritated. Also, consider using the final moments of your shower to cool down - literally. Cold water closes pores.
我从不认为冰浴(或冷水澡)可以改善皮肤 。很多名人会在早晨洗冷水澡或冰浴以缓解红肿或痘痘 。冰可以给皮肤降温,使其不易受刺激 。另外,快洗完的时候用冷水降温也不失为一种有效方法 。冷水可收缩毛孔 。
4. Forget about it
4. 不要老想着这件事
Now that you've done everything you can with makeup and ice, it is time to do something else. Forget about it. I know, easier said than done. But seriously, not many people are going to notice you have a pimple unless they are hardcore staring at your face.
既然已经用尽了一切方法(护肤和冰镇),那也该是时候做些其它的事情了 。忘记这件事吧 。我知道,说起来容易做起来难 。但讲真的,除非他人一直盯着你看,否则他们是不会注意到你脸上长了粉刺的 。
Do not look at the zit. Do not touch it. Do not think about it. You have other things to worry about throughout the course of the day, and whether that blemish is glaringly obvious or not is not going to change how the rest of the day goes.
不要盯着痘痘看,也不要摸、不要想 。这一天你难道没有其他事情可以想了吗?而且这个痘痘看起来明显与否并不会改变你这一天的生活节奏 。
5. Do something kind for yourself
5. 对自己好点儿
Treat yourself to something delicious. Do not let your blemishes dictate how you feel about yourself, because you are beautiful inside and out.
享受一些美食吧 。不要让脸上的瑕疵决定你对自己的看法,因为你内外兼美!