1. You travel for work or school
1. 坐着上下班/上下学
Are you one of those people who sit for your commute? Find yourself going on dozens of business trips to far-off destinations? Traveling throws off the natural balance of your body. Plus, the stress raises cortisol levels. This is especially true if you are commuting to school or work behind the wheel for about an hour each way. All that time sitting is not doing anything for your mood, health, or gut.
上下班的路上,你是不是一直坐着?总是去非常远的地方出差?不断奔波会打破身体的自然平衡 。此外,压力会提高皮质醇水平 。对于上下班/上下学通勤需要一小时的你来说,情况更是如此 。一直坐着无益于你的情绪、健康或肠道 。
2. You are in college
2. 你在读大学
Ah, the infamous "Freshman 15." While most students report gaining only a little weight during their Freshman year (about 1.1 kg in the first 3 months), college students do indeed pack on the pounds more easily than high schoolers and those who have graduated.
呵,"新生增重15磅"的现象臭名远扬 。虽然大多数学生称自己大一的时候只会增重一点点(前三个月大约增重1.1千克),但大学生的确比高中生以及毕业生更容易增重 。
Women especially have it hard in college, because you are doing a lot of sitting, studying, partying, drinking, and eating. Pair that with dormitory housing where you probably do not sleep and cafeteria food, and you have a recipe to gain weight faster.
大学时期,女性长胖的几率更高,因为很多时候她们都是坐着、学习、聚会、喝酒和吃饭 。再加上食堂的伙食以及宿舍睡眠时间少,你更容易短期内增重 。
3. You are dehydrated
3. 脱水
Water is your friend. You can't live without it, and denying yourself water can lead to bloat, consuming more calories, and increase your chance of weight gain. Ditch soda, sweetened beverages, and stick to H20 or water-based beverages like unsweetened tea and coffee.
水是你的朋友 。没有水你就会活不下去 。不喝水会导致身材臃肿、摄入更多的卡路里,增加人们长胖的几率 。不要再喝苏打水和加糖饮料了,坚持喝水或用水做的饮料吧,比如不加糖的茶和咖啡 。
4. You are a drinker
4. 你喜欢喝酒
Alcohol does not come cheap for neither wallet nor calorie allowance. If you find yourself knocking back beers, cocktails, and other party drinks, you can expect to see more fat accumulating on your belly than someone who drinks in moderation or not at all. For example, 5 ounces of red wine is 125 calories.
喝酒既伤财又增卡 。如果你发现自己总是倒啤酒、鸡尾酒或其它派对酒饮,那相比适度饮酒或不喝酒的人而言,你的腹部会积聚更多的脂肪 。比如,5盎司的红酒含有125卡 。
5. You do not eat often
5. 你经常不吃东西
Dietitians cringe when they hear people saying that they skip meals. While intermittent fasting is fine and has health benefits, forgetting to eat or missing out of meals throughout the day will result in weight maintenance issues in your later years.
听到别人谈及自己不吃饭的时候,营养师会感到难堪 。虽然间歇性禁食的确能带来健康益处,但一天中忘记吃饭或不吃饭将导致往后的日子里难以维持体重 。
Having a consistent eating schedule keeps your blood sugar stable, which is key in maintaining a healthy weight. Therefore, try to eat throughout the day to keep your metabolism working efficiently and your body healthy.
稳定的饮食计划可保持血糖稳定,这对于保持健康的体重而言至关重要 。因此,尽量全天候的吃些东西,以保持新陈代谢有效运作、促进身体健康 。