1. Meat
1. 肉类
If you are suffering from a gastroesophageal reflux disease, switching to a vegetarian diet can help you ease your disease. The high content of fats in meats, such as pork, lamb, and beef, triggers acid reflux. If you can't stop eating meat, consider at least limiting its consumption to once per week.
如果你患有胃食管反流病,那改用素食或能帮助你缓解该疾病 。猪肉、羊肉和牛肉等肉类含有大量脂肪,会引发胃酸回流 。如果你无肉不欢,那至少得限制吃肉的次数,减少为每周吃一次 。
2. Fried foods
2. 油炸食品
Just like meats, fried foods, including your favorite French fries, boost your risk of a gastroesophageal reflux disease due to its high-fat content. Even if you fry fish or meat with olive oil, it does not decrease the likelihood of heartburn.
和肉类一样,油炸食品(包括你最喜欢的法式薯条)会增加你患胃食管反流病的风险,因为油炸食品的脂肪含量高 。即使用橄榄油炸鱼或肉也会增加胃灼热的风险 。
3. Coffee
3. 咖啡
Well, it is difficult to acknowledge and accept, but coffee is your enemy if you frequently experience acid reflux. Coffee and other drinks that contain caffeine are the big triggers. Switch to a herbal or green tea or at least reduce your intake of coffee to 1-2 cups per day.
好吧,虽然我们难以接受,但如果你经常性的胃酸回流,那就不能再喝咖啡了 。咖啡和其它含有咖啡因的饮料是胃酸回流的重要诱因 。还是喝喝花草茶或绿茶吧,再不济也得减少咖啡饮用量(每天减少1至2杯) 。
4. High-fat dairy products
4. 高脂乳制品
Ice cream, yogurt, butter, milk, cheese, and any other type of high-fat dairy products are among the major culprits of heartburn. Low-fat dairy products might sound like better options, but they can also worsen the symptoms of a gastroesophageal reflux disease. Again, vegan-friendly alternatives are the smartest ones.
冰淇淋、酸奶、黄油、牛奶、奶酪和其它高脂乳制品也是导致胃灼热的原因 。听起来,低脂乳制品可能是更好的选择,但它们也会恶化胃食管反流病的症状 。再说一遍,植物成分的替代品是最好的选择 。
5. Alcohol
5. 酒
Technically a drink, alcohol can also boost your risk of acid reflux. It "relaxes" the pathway adjoining the esophagus and the stomach, producing a fiery heartburn. Wine, liquor, and beer are great triggers, albeit any type of booze is to blame.
从技术层面而言,一杯酒会增加你胃酸回流的风险 。它会使靠近食道和胃部的通道"放松",导致如火烧般的胃灼热 。葡萄酒、白酒和啤酒都是重要诱因,尽管如此,所有类型的酒都是罪魁祸首 。
6. Carbonated drinks
6. 碳酸饮料
The bad reputation of Pepsi and Coke does not stop people from drinking these carbonated drinks. Maybe they will not feel any side effects, but if you are experiencing acid reflux, be careful with them. Carbonated drinks contain acidic ingredients that can cause heartburn.
虽然百事可乐和可口可乐'臭名远扬',但这并不妨碍人们对这类碳酸饮料的钟爱 。也许,他们感受不到任何副作用,但如果你有胃酸回流的症状,那就得当心了 。碳酸饮料含有导致胃灼热的酸性成分 。
7. Chocolate
7. 巧克力
I'm sorry, chocolate lovers, but if you suffer from a gastroesophageal reflux disease, chocolate might be worsening your symptoms. Theobromine and caffeine are the main stimulants found in chocolate. Cocoa has also been claimed as one of the beans that produce a nasty reflux response.
非常抱歉,但巧克力爱好者们,如果你患有胃食管反流病,那么巧克力可能会使你的病情恶化 。可可碱和咖啡因是巧克力中的主要兴奋剂 。此外,可可是产生令人讨厌的胃酸回流反应的豆类之一 。