There's a common estimate that every suicide leaves behind six survivors who are the most affected by the death. Not to be confused with suicide attempt survivors, who have taken action toward ending their own lives, suicide survivors or suicide loss survivors are friends or family members of someone who died by suicide. By the latest calculations, six is far too low an estimate; 115 are thought to be exposed each time a suicide occurs.
据估计,一个人自杀后,他/她的6个家人或好友会因为他/她的离世而备受影响 。但不要将其与自杀未遂相混淆,自杀未遂指的是已做出行动,试图了结自己的性命,但痛失所爱之人的幸存者指的是一个人自杀后留下的朋友或家人 。最新数据表明,受亲人自杀离世影响的人数可能远不止6人,更确切的人数可能是115人 。
Suicide loss survivors are themselves at an increased risk of mental health conditions and suicide in the future. One study found that people who knew someone who died by suicide in the previous year were 1.6 times more likely to have suicidal thoughts, 2.9 times more likely to make a suicide plan, and 3.7 times more likely to make a suicide attempt.
痛失所爱之人的幸存者本身面临的心理健康状况和以后自杀的风险都会有所增加 。一项研究发现:若某人的朋友在前一年自杀离世,那这个人产生自杀念头的可能性会增加1.6倍、制定自杀计划的可能性会增加2.9倍、试图自杀的可能性会增加3.7倍 。
Family members may be genetically predisposed to suicide, while friends and peers may be influenced by the behavior of a person who died by suicide-or distraught by the "emotional destruction suicide leaves in its wake," says John R. Jordan, PhD, a clinical psychologist in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, and the author of several books and articles on bereavement after suicide.
从遗传上讲,家庭成员更倾向于自杀,而朋友或同伴可能会受自杀者行为的影响--或者被"自杀所带来的情绪破坏"而心神错乱,John R. Jordan博士说道 。他是罗德岛波塔基特的一名临床心理学家,出版过一些有关自杀后丧亲之痛的书籍和文章 。
Postvention tactics can include professional measures, like therapy sessions or meetings with a support group. But help can also come from family and friends.
可以通过寻求专业帮助,如参加治疗小组或支持小组,来缓解丧亲之痛 。但家人和朋友也可以帮助您 。
Be present
"Even though this is changing, suicide is still a very stigmatized death," Jordan says. "Losing someone to suicide can be tremendously isolating," he says. Help break down those isolating walls by being there for your friend or family member
"即使情况有所转变,但自杀仍旧是一种非常丢人的死亡方式,"Jordan说道 。"亲人自杀死亡后,痛失幸存者可能会变得非常孤立,"他说道 。陪伴着家人或朋友吧,帮助他们不再与世隔离 。
Kim Ruocco's husband died by suicide in 2005. A Marine Corps pilot, he came back from what she describes as a "pretty difficult deployment" in Iraq with PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Their sons were 8 and 10 at the time.
Kim Ruocco的丈夫于2005年自杀去世 。他是一名海军陆战队飞行员,在伊拉克执行任务期间患了创伤后精神紧张性障碍、抑郁症和焦虑症,所以退伍回到了家中 。那时候,他们的儿子一个8岁,一个10岁 。
"The people who were most helpful to me could be in my presence and tolerate my pain and didn't have to say anything," Ruocco says. "There are no right words really, but it was really comforting to have someone who can be with you with that much pain."
"对我帮助最大的人是那些陪伴在我身边,容忍我的痛苦且不会多言的人,"Ruocco说道 。"其实,不管说什么话都是错的,但有人陪在身边,陪着我一起痛苦,真的很令人宽慰 。"