Cats have a reputation for being more aloof and less cuddly than their canine counterparts. In reality, they form close bonds with their owners and provide a sense of companionship, particularly for women. In fact, the findings of one Austrian study show that owning a cat is the emotional equivalent of being in a romantic relationship.
与狗狗相比,猫咪更为冷漠、也没那么可爱 。但实际上,它们会与主人形成深厚情感,像朋友一样,对女性主人尤为如此 。事实上,奥地利的一项研究表明:养猫和谈恋爱一样,能给人带来情感满足 。
Someone to talk to
Some people feel silly talking to their pets, since, of course, they can't respond. But interacting with your feline companion has proven health benefits. Not only does talking to your cat improve your bond, but it's also said to be beneficial for your mental health by helping improve your mood, reduce stress, and combat loneliness.
有些人觉得和宠物说话非常愚蠢,毕竟,它们不会回应你啊 。但与猫咪互动已被证明能带来健康益处 。和猫咪说话不仅能让你们的关系更亲密,据说还有利于心理健康、让心情更好、减少压力、让你不再孤独 。
Better sleep
Cats are experts at sleeping, so it's perhaps no surprise that they can help improve your sleep, too. A Mayo Clinic study found that people who slept with their pets in the same room were almost twice as likely to get a good night's rest, with only 20 per cent saying they found their pets' presence disruptive.
猫咪是睡眠专家,所以猫咪有助于改善睡眠应该也就不足为奇了 。梅奥诊所开展的一项研究发现:和宠物共睡一室的人睡眠更好(可能性提高了2倍),只有20%的人表示宠物在身边会干扰他们的睡眠 。
No mice in the house
Cats may not be able to help with the housekeeping, but they can assist in keeping your house free of mice. It turns out there's some truth behind the cartoon cat-and-mouse chase. When mice smell certain proteins in cat saliva, they become fearful and therefore avoid the area.
猫咪可能不会帮助你做家务,但它们却能保证家里没有老鼠 。事实证明,动画片《猫和老鼠》还是有些道理的 。当老鼠闻到猫咪唾液中的某种蛋白质时,它们会胆战心惊,从而不在这一领域出现 。
Improved sense of responsibility
It's important for children to learn to care for and look after a living thing, just as their parents take care of them. Cats can help children develop social skills as they learn to approach the feline carefully and gently. Looking after a cat also encourages a sense of responsibility.
对于孩子而言,学会照顾活生生的动物是很重要的,就像父母要照顾他/她一样 。在小心翼翼地、温柔地接近猫咪的过程中,孩子或能培养一些社交技能 。照顾猫咪也会培养他们的责任感 。
Improved heart health
In addition to filling your heart with love, cats can contribute to keeping your heart healthy. Numerous studies have shown that owning a cat can help reduce blood pressure and heart rate, lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels, and thereby reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
除了让你的心中充满爱之外,猫咪也有助于保持心脏健康 。大量研究表明:养猫有助于降低血压和心率、降低甘油三酯和胆固醇水平,从而降低人们患心脏病或中风的风险 。