The analogy between chess and mathematics had already been employed and in each case the same problem arose,
that of how to choose the right move to reach a given goal—in the case of chess, to achieve checkmate.
Godel had shown that in mathematics there was no way at all to reach some goals, and Alan had shown that there was no mechanical way to decide whether, for a given goal, there was a route or not.
But the question could still be asked as to how mathematicians, chess-players or code-breakers did in practice make those 'intelligent' steps, and to what extent they could be simulated by machines.
Although his solution of the Entscheidungs problem and his work on ordinal logics had focussed attention upon the limitations of mechanical processes,
it was now that the underlying materialist stream of thought began to make itself more clear,
less interested in what could not be done by machines, than in discovering what could.
He had demolished the Hilbert programme, but he still exuded the Hilbert spirit of attack upon unsolved problems,
and enjoyed a confidence that nothing was beyond rational investigation—including rational thought itself.