Sometimes, we parents need to "re-frame" the truth in our quest to protect, nurture, and challenge our children. Sometimes, these trickeries are told for the greater good. Sometimes, they're more right than wrong, even when they're technically more wrong than right. Sometimes, it's ok to fudge just a smidge.
有时候,身为父母的我们需要在保护、培养和挑战孩子的过程中"重构"真理 。有时候,谎言能带来更多的益处 。有时候,撒谎是正确而非错误做法,即使从技术层面而言,撒谎的确是错误行为 。有时候,撒点小谎也无伤大雅 。
Parents, your children look to you for guidance and for comfort-to learn the ropes in this big, crazy world. Use your power of wisdom-and slightly altered reality-to do just that.
家长们,在了解并探索这一庞大而又疯狂的世界的过程中,你的孩子正等着你给予指导和安慰 。利用你的聪明才智--略微改变现实--行动起来吧!
1. "I love it."
1. "我很喜欢 。"
Even if their style isn't your style, let them know it's okay to experiment with different colored socks, different kinds of hair, just being different.
即使你不喜欢他们的风格,但也要让他/她知道:为了与众不同,他们是可以尝试穿不同颜色的袜子、剪另类的发型的 。
2. "It sounded beautiful!"
2. "你唱的真好听!"
Their early music scales may sound like a laryngitic goat, but early education and the motivation to keep going-in any discipline-is all about encouragement. So a little white lie about their cello playing doesn't hurt anyone-believe me.
年纪还小时,他们唱起歌来简直要命,但想要让他/她坚持下去--不管是哪一学科--一定要在早期教育阶段鼓励、鼓舞他们 。所以对他们的大提琴演奏表现撒个善意的谎言并不会给任何人带来伤害--相信我 。
3. "Bubbles is in a better place."
3. "Bubbles现在在一个更美好的地方哦 。"
For the love of all things canine, please don't say that Bubbles passed away. Or went "to the farm." Unless, of course, Bubbles actually went to a farm.
出于对狗狗的热爱,千万别说Bubbles(狗名)离开人世了 。或者去了农场 。当然,除非Bubbles真的是去农场了 。
4. "You can stay up all night and help me clean."
4. "你可以熬夜帮我打扫卫生 。"
Your kid doesn't want to go to bed and is asking to stay up super late? Easy: Tell them that they're welcome to stay up all night with you-but on the condition that they help you with all of those household chores you're going to be doing. Trust me: They'll be asleep, and you'll be on the couch watching Game of Thrones.
你的孩子不想上床睡觉,一直在可怜巴巴的问你能不能熬夜?很简单:告诉他们,你很欢迎他/她和你一起熬夜--但前提是他们得帮你做家务 。相信我:他们会睡的,你也能躺在沙发上看《权利的游戏》 。
5. "Gosh, it seems the [streaming/cable/satellite] isn't working today."
5. "天哪,今天的有线电视好像看不了了 。"
There's only so much you can watch of the same movie over and over. Continue with, "I'll call them right away." [Come back in five minutes] "They don't know why either. They're looking into it." You need the break, and frankly, they need to try something else.
你真的忍受不了他们一遍又一遍的看同一部电影 。继续说,"我马上打电话找人来修 。"(5分钟后再进来)"他们也不知道电视机怎么了,正在检查 。"你需要休息,坦白而言,他们也需要尝试其他玩意儿了 。