Kelly Fisher started using a robo-advisor ayear and a half ago because she thought it would be more convenient and easierthan investing through a human advisor. What she didn’t anticipate, though, wasjust how much more truthful she would be with an automaton rather than aliving, breathing person sitting across the desk.
凯利·费舍尔(Kelly Fisher)一年半以前开始使用机器人顾问,因为她认为这种方式比通过人类顾问进行投资更方便、更容易。但出乎她意料之外的是,她对这种机器人的信任度远超坐在桌子对面那些活生生的同类。
When someone starts asking me about my networth, I get uncomfortable. With a robo-advisor there’s nojudgement.
The San Francisco-based retail executivehas about $8,000 invested in accounts with robo-advisors. These are sites thatask a series of questions and then they match a fund with that investor’s risktolerance and lifestyle. Fisher doesn’t have anything to hide by using thesewebsites, but she says it’s human nature to judge, and that’s made ituncomfortable for her to open up to a human financial expert. With arobo-advisor, Fisher can be more honest about where she stands financially.
“When someone starts asking me about my net worth, that’s when I getuncomfortable,” Fisher said. “With a robo-advisor there’s definitely nojudgment. There’s no stigma over having… debt or deciding that you want tospend money on a vacation or about coming into a windfall.”
Fisher’s comfort with a computer isn’tunusual – there’s a growing body of research showing that people trust robotsand automated online forms more than humans. That’s one big reason, beyondlower costs, why robo-advice – which is expected to have a staggering $2.2trillion in assets under management by 2020, up from $50bn today –may becomethe preferred way for individuals to invest.
Gale Lucas, director of research at Dallas,Texas-based Organizational Wellness and Learning Systems, has been studyingrobot-human trust for years. She’s found that people really are more truthfulwhen they disclose information to a computer. That goes for both generalquestions as well as more intimate details.
得州达拉斯的盖尔·卢卡斯(Gale Lucas)多年以来一直在研究人类对机器人的信任感。作为Organizational Wellness and Learning Systems的研究总监,她发现人们在向电脑披露信息时的确展现出更强的信任感。这不仅涉及普通问题,也包括更加隐私的信息。
The effect on higher rates of “honestresponding…are especially strong when the information is illegal, unethical,or culturally stigmatised,”she wrote in a 2014 paper.
People are more open with automated toolsbecause they believe computers don’t judge and thatthey’re more ethical.
Finances would fall into that lattercategory, Lucas explained. Debt, for instance, has a negative connotationattached to it. People feel uncomfortable discussing it and may even hide howmuch they really owe from a human financial advisor.
“They’re very embarrassed and don’t want to admit how much creditcard debt they have,” Lucas said. “It’s anxiety producing, so to have someoneyou can talk to where it’s safe to say that you’re worried that you’ll neverget out from all of that debt is important.”