In the world of online dating, people place a huge premium on height. In fact, on many platforms, you'll find that many men don't even write a bio, simply choosing to indicate their height underneath their pictures (which, for the record, is not a good idea). But it may be that a tall frame isn't as much of an essential attribute to a potential match as you've been led to believe-at least on one platform.
在网恋的世界里,人们对身高寄予厚望 。事实上,在很多约会平台上,大多数男性都不会写个人简介,他们只会在照片下方说明自己的身高(说实话,这并不是个好主意) 。可能是因为,对于潜在约会对象而言,身高并没有那么重要--至少在某个约会平台上的确如此 。
E-harmony, an online dating website that prides itself on a questionnaire that matches you with people who are compatible, recently conducted a survey on how much height matters to their 10 million active users. Of those that responded to the poll, 32 percent of men said height is not very important, and only 6.5 percent found it very important. And only 14 percent of women who responded said it was very important, whereas 29 percent said it was not important at all.
E-harmony是一个在线约会网站,它会让用户填写问卷,以此将用户进行配对 。该网站最近开展了一项研究:对于1000万活跃用户而言,身高到底多重要?回应民意调查的人中,32%的男性表示身高并不是很重要,只有6.5%的人认为它非常重要 。参与调查的女性受试者中,只有14%的人表示身高很重要,另外有29%的人认为身高一点都不重要 。
While the site obviously doesn't have data on other online dating platforms, like Bumble and Tinder, eharmony's Chief of Advice, Jeannie Assismos, believes the results could be indicative of the fact that people on eharmony are looking for meaningful connections, as opposed to short-term flings. "Maybe it's because people on eharmony are more thoughtful, or they really want a great relationship, so they know what matters, which is personality and intelligence," Assismos told Best Life. "I guess height might be more important if you're looking for something that's casual."
虽然很显然的是,该网站没有综合其它约会平台的数据,比如Bumble和Tinder,但是eharmony的主管简宁·艾希莫斯(Jeannie Assismos)认为这些结果可能表明:eharmony的用户希望谈一段有意义的恋爱,而非只是露水情缘 。"也许是因为eharmony的用户更善于思考,或者他们真的很渴望一段真挚的感情,所以他们明白什么才是最重要的--个性和智慧,"艾希莫斯对Best Life杂志说道 。"若只是想谈一场轻松儿点的恋爱,那你对身高的要求可能会更高一些 。"
And if you're wondering what women cited as their "ideal height," you might be surprised that it's not quite as high as you would think. The most desirable height for men was between 5'8 to 5'9, based on which men were the most communicative and received the most responses, which is actually slightly shorter than the 5'9″ that has been deemed the average height of an adult American man. To some extent, this might not be as much of a surprise as it seems, given that most women just want a man who is taller than them, and the average adult American woman is only 5'3."
如果你还在想着女性所说的"理想身高",请准备好大吃一惊:可能并没有你所以为的那么高哦 。基于网站上互动最多、得到回复最多的男性数据,我们得出最理想的身高为5英尺8寸到9寸,略低于美国成年男性的平均身高--5英尺9寸 。在某种程度上,考虑到大多数女性只想找一个比自己高一点的男朋友(美国成年女性的平均身高--5英尺3寸),这一结果就不令人惊奇了 。