If the thought of getting into a debate with your boss over how much money you deserve makes you nauseated, you're not alone. If you're negotiating your salary, the best strategy both for getting what you want and still coming off as friendly is to ask for a range including and above your target number. For example, if you're aiming for a $100,000 salary, you'd suggest a $100,000 to $120,000 salary.
如果一想到与老板谈判工资就让你感到恶心,那么你不是一个人 。如果你正在和老板谈工资,那不伤和气的得到预期工资的最好策略就是:给出预期工资范围(包括你的预期,但同时最大值要超过预期工资) 。比如,你的预期工资是10万美元,那你应该跟老板提10万至12万美元之间 。
Establishing a regular sleep schedule
We know it's hard to hear, but it's helpful to wake up at the same time every day - even on weekends. If you oversleep for even a few days, experts say you risk resetting your body clock to a different cycle, so you'll start getting tired later in the day.
我知道这一点不常听到,但每天在同一时间醒来很有帮助--即使是周末 。如果你有几天睡过了,专家表示,你可能在重置生物钟,使其进入另一种循环模式,所以你可能会有些累 。
On a related note: Experts also advise against hitting "snooze" and going back to sleep when your alarm goes off in the morning. Instead, hit the snooze button once and use the time until your alarm goes off again to turn on a lamp and do some light stretching.
相关说明:专家不建议早晨闹铃响了之后,按下"稍后提醒"倒头继续睡的做法 。相反,按下"稍后提醒"键,然后在闹钟再次响起的这段时间内打开台灯,做一些轻度拉伸运动 。
Making small talk at parties
Chances are good that, if you're feeling awkward about chatting with a bunch of impressive people you've never met, other people are feeling the same way.
如果你觉得与一大帮你从未见过的令人印象深刻的人聊天会有点尴尬,那很有可能他们也有同样的感受 。
But as Marjorie Gubelmann, CEO of Vie Luxe, told Oprah.com: "Even if you won't know anyone and you're feeling intimidated, you must go. Do not stay home. So many people are afraid that no one will talk to them and they'll leave feeling awful - but has that ever happened to you?"
Vie Luxe的首席执行官Marjorie Gubelmann对Oprah.com说道:"即使你一个人都不认识,你感到很害怕,你也必须参加聚会 。不要闷在家里 。很多人都担心没人找他们聊天,会不开心--但你遇到过这种情况吗?"
One solid way to improve your small-talk skills - and alleviate some of the pressure you feel - is simply to demonstrate interest in your conversation partner. Ask the person questions, let them talk about themselves, and allow them to teach you something.
提高聊天技巧的可靠方法--缓解你的压力--就是向聊天者表明你对他所说的内容很感兴趣 。问他一些问题,让他们聊聊自己,让他们教会你一些东西 。
Finding and sticking to an exercise routine you enjoy
A professor of behavioral medicine told The New York Times that research suggests people who dislike or feel inept at their workouts are unlikely to continue. So experiment and find an activity you really love, whether that's spinning, Zumba, or weightlifting.
一位行为医学教授对《纽约时报》说道,研究表明不喜欢或不适合某项运动的人继续锻炼的可能性不大 。所以找到自己喜欢的运动,不管是室内自行车、尊巴还是举重 。