The morning Keith died had started out as an ordinary day. Lesley was busy ironing a shirt for him to wear, having just waved her grandchildren off to school. The house had been full of the laughter and chaos that came along whenever the little ones stayed, and now Lesley rushed about doing last-minute packing for a ski holiday they were due to go on that afternoon.
一个再寻常不过的早晨,基斯去世了 。莱斯利当时在忙着给他熨衬衫,刚挥手送完孙子/女上学 。小宝宝走到哪,家里就会充满笑声和吵闹声,现在莱斯利正急着准备滑雪装备呢,他们原本打算当天下午去滑雪 。
"It was the first time Keith had booked our holiday, and we were really excited," remembers Lesley. "He'd booked the Eurostar, and the evening before we'd been to pick up the tickets. We were all ready to go."
"这是基斯第一次计划了假期,我们都十分激动,"莱斯利回忆道 。"在我们买票的前一天晚上,他预定了欧洲之星 。我们都准备好出发了 。"
But that morning Keith wasn't feeling well at all. "He said he felt hot and dizzy, and asked me how he looked," she says. "I was a bit concerned because he looked very pale, so I told him to go and sit down while I sorted out the last few bits. A few minutes later I heard him call my name from the next room, and I ran in to see what was wrong."
但那天早上,基斯感觉身体不适 。"他说自己又热又晕,还问我他看上去如何,"她说道 。"我有点担心,因为他脸色苍白,所以我让他坐下歇着,自己在整理最后一点东西 。几分钟后,我听到他在另一个房间叫我,我立马跑过去看看出了什么事 。"
Lesley found Keith slumped on the sofa, completely unconscious. Frantically, she grabbed the phone and called 999. With an ambulance on the way, the operator talked Lesley through giving her husband CPR.
莱斯利发现基斯倒在了沙发上,毫无意识 。她抓狂地拿起电话,拨打999 。救护车在路上的时候,接线员让莱斯利给她的丈夫做心肺复苏 。
For 20 minutes, Lesley worked tirelessly on Keith, desperately delivering chest compressions and breathing into his mouth. When the paramedics arrived and took over, Lesley rang her grown-up daughters Rebecca and Gemma, who rushed to the scene. But sadly, despite the medics' best efforts, it was too late. Keith died of a cardiac arrest, and his last act had been to call out Lesley's name."I just collapsed on the floor and was inconsolable," says Lesley.
莱斯利给基斯做了20分钟的心肺复苏,拼命的按压胸部、用嘴给他吹气 。当医护人员到达接手后,莱斯利给她的成年女儿丽贝卡和杰玛打了电话,她们立马赶到现场 。但令人遗憾的是,尽管医护人员尽力了,但为时已晚 。基斯死于心脏骤停,而他离世前的最后一举则是喊了莱斯利的名字 。"我倒在了地上,十分伤心,"莱斯利说道 。
"My whole world changed in a second. Keith had always been fit and healthy - although he suffered from high blood pressure, it was controlled by tablets. We'd been together since I was 16 and married for 32 years, and life without him by my side was unimaginable."
"我的整个世界在一秒之内变了个模样 。基斯一直都很健康--尽管他有高血压,但吃药是可以控制的 。我16岁以后,我俩就在一起了,已结婚32年,没有他在身边,我完全不知道日子该怎么过 。"