We all have our bad days when we wake up in a terrible mood, scowl at strangers, and fume about how bad traffic is. Of course, there's nothing wrong with the occasional off day. But if this sort of crabby behavior repeatedly manifests itself for weeks or months on end, there's a good chance you're too negative.
人难免会有不在状态的时候:醒来时心情不好、对陌生人皱眉、因交通拥堵而沮丧 。当然,偶尔不在状态并没有关系 。但如果这种暴躁的行为总是重复发生,持续几周或几个月,那这很有可能是你充满负能量的迹象 。
Having a long-term negative outlook on life can creep up on you without your realizing it, and it's likely an indicator that you may need to make a larger life change-a new job, new relationship, or at least a new hobby. The thing is, people with negative outlooks aren't exactly the type of people that would recognize such behavior in themselves. To that end, here are signs you might be negative.
对生活持长期负面看法会潜移默化的影响你,也可能表明你需要做出更大的生活改变--找份新工作、谈一段新恋情,或者至少培养新的兴趣 。问题是,持消极看法的人并不是那种本身会承认自己有此种行为的人 。所以,我们整理了一些迹象,表明你可能充满负能量 。
1. You only have one perspective: your own.
1. 你只有一种观点:你自己的观点 。
A good sign you are too negative is that every comment you hear gets mentally run through a filter in which you ask, "what's that say about me?"
Erin Wathen, of EW Wellness Solutions, gives this example: "The summer college intern makes an innocent comment about the morning commute being a nightmare this morning. You snap at them, because in your mind, you have been commuting into the city longer than they have been alive, and they have no idea what is truly work, or what it feels like to have to make up for lost time due to traffic."
EW Wellness Solutions机构的艾琳·瓦特恩(Erin Wathen)举了一个例子:"暑期大学实习生聊天的时候说到了今天早晨的交通简直就是一场噩梦 。你呵斥了他们,因为你觉得,你每天上下班的时间比他们活着的时间都长,他们根本不知道什么才是真正的工作,也不知道由于交通拥堵而不得不加班加点是什么滋味 。"
2. Social media stresses you out.
2. 社交媒体让你倍感压力 。
If hopping on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram and seeing the good times others are having makes your blood temperature-you find yourself wanting to comment, "must be nice" below your friends' vacation photos-you might be a bit too negative. Wathen emphasizes that social media can stress out a negative person, who views things in extremes, assuming that others are enjoying life more than they are.
如果你不停的在脸书、推特、阅后即焚或Ins上切换,看到他人十分享受的状态让你血液沸腾--你想评论,在朋友度假的照片底部评论"肯定很赞"--那这可能表明你充满负能量 。瓦特恩强调,社交媒体会让负能量的人倍感压力,他们看待事物的角度很极端,认为其他人比他们更会享受生活 。
"No one has a perfect Instagram Story life, so when we believe the parts that make us view our own lives, friends and family as not cool, fun or posh enough we diminish what is front of us," she says.
"在Ins上,没有人的生活是完美的,所以当我们觉得自己的生活、朋友和家人一点都不酷、没有趣或没有钱的时候,我们会看低周边的一切,"她说道 。