研究显示 领带会阻碍血液流向大脑
日期:2018-07-10 23:01


Comfortably dressed men may be smarter and higher-functioning than guys who wear ties -- because the neckwear reduces blood flow to the brain, according to new research.
The uncomfortable office attire squeezes neck veins, potentially slowing down the brain's processing, according to a report published last week in the journal Neuroradiology.
Scientists at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein in Germany scanned the brains of 30 healthy young men, according to the medical news site Auntminnie.com.

研究显示 领带会阻碍血液流向大脑

For the study, half of the men were instructed to wear comfy open-collared shirts, and the other half was told to wear Windsor-knotted ties, tightened to the point of slight discomfort, according to New Scientist Magazine.
The study found that guys wearing ties had 7.5 percent less blood flow.
In extreme cases, insufficient blood flow to the brain can kill organ tissue or cause a stroke.
