Getting divorced can be a challenging process, but once it's complete, you may feel a sense of relief and even lightness. You're free from the constraints and difficulties of your marriage and it's time to put yourself first. Here are great ways to enjoy your newfound freedom.
离婚可能是一个极具挑战性的过程,但一旦走完所有程序,你会感到无比轻松、畅快 。你从婚姻中的限制和困难中解脱了,是时候凡事先考虑自己了 。以下这些方法可帮助你享受离婚后的自由 。
Eat whatever you want, whenever you want
If you and your former spouse had a lot of disagreements about what to eat, now's your time to enjoy the foods you love that he or she preferred to avoid or judged you for eating. So if you're up late watching movies and want to order pizza or bake cookies at 2 a.m., you totally can.
如果你和你的前夫/前妻在吃东西方面有很多分歧,那是时候享受你爱吃而他/她宁愿不吃或挑刺的食物了 。所以如果你在熬夜看电影,想点份披萨或在凌晨2点想烤饼干,那就这么做吧 。
Take a solo vacation
It might sound daunting to travel alone, but it can also be totally liberating to choose your destination, tailor the trip to your wants and needs, and experience new things on your own. Try one of these amazing places that are particularly fun for single people, or go somewhere you always wanted to see but your former spouse vetoed.
一个人去旅行可能听起来有点儿艰巨,但想去哪玩都随你选啊,可以按照自己的想法和需求量身出游,一个人体验新鲜事物 。可以去一些适合单身人士的旅游景点,或者去你一直想去但前夫/前妻不想去的地方 。
Buy new clothes-especially ones your ex wouldn't have liked
Any major life change can trigger a closet revamp, and a divorce is a great chance to reinvent your style, with no one to please but yourself. So go ahead and buy clothes that make you feel amazing, confident, and happy, whether it's those knee-high boots you've always wanted or a custom leather jacket.
任何重要的生活变化都会让你来一次衣柜大翻新,而离婚绝对是投资买新衣服的好机会,这一次你只需让自己高兴 。所以去吧,买一些让你感到自信、快乐的衣服,不管是你一直想买的及膝靴还是定制的皮夹克 。
Go to the movies alone
Yes, the movies. Yes, by yourself. Not only can solo movie outings be good for your mental and physical health, but you get to choose the movie, the theatre, what time you're going, and where you sit. Even better, you don't have to share your popcorn or candy with anyone else or listen to their annoying play-by-play.
是的,看电影 。是的,一个人去 。一个人出去看电影不仅有利于你的身心健康,而且你还可以选你喜欢的电影、电影院、时间及座位 。甚至更棒的点在于,你根本不需要和另一个人分享你的爆米花或糖果,也不用听某人叨叨叨 。
Sleep in the middle of the bed
Or diagonally across it. Whatever you like: there's no one else there to take up space, and studies show that it might be better for our overall health to sleep alone, and women in particular benefit from sleeping without another person in bed with them. Bonus: no one stealing the covers in the middle of the night.
或者斜躺着睡觉 。无论你喜欢哪种姿势:都没有别人跟你抢位置,且研究表明:一个人睡觉或更有利于我们的整体健康,特别是女性独睡时更是如此 。福利:夜间没人跟你抢被子哦 。