日期:2018-06-04 16:19


Alan's methods for dealing with the clerical assistance, and other administrative problems, which gradually grew in scale, were like those of a shy school 'brain' who had been made a prefect by virtue of winning a scholarship.
On the other hand, one notable difference from school was that it brought him for the first time into contact with women.
The rest of 1940 saw little progress with naval Enigma.
The April U-boat capture, although largely wasted, had given them something to work on19—and it was for this reason that Joan Clarke had been directed to Hut 8.
It had enabled GC and CS to read during May 1940 the naval Enigma traffic for six days of the previous month, and thus to add considerably to its knowledge of the German Navy's (radio) and cypher organisation.
GC and CS was able to confirm that, though the Germans resorted to fairly simple hand codes and cyphers for such things as light-ships, dockyards and merchant shipping, their naval units, down to the smallest, relied entirely on the Enigma machine.
More important still, it established that they used only two Enigma keys—the Home and the Foreign—and that U-boats and surface units shared the same keys, transferring to the Foreign key only for operations in distant waters.
