日期:2016-11-07 10:16


On economic questions, indeed, Alan came to think highly of Arthur Pigou, the King's economist who had played a slightly earlier part than Keynes in patching up nineteenth century liberal capitalism.


Pigou held that more equal distribution of income was likely to increase economic welfare, and was an early advocate of the welfare state.


Broadly similar in their outlook, both Pigou and Keynes were calling for increased state spending during the 1930s.


Alan also began to read the New Statesman, and could broadly be identified with the middle-class progressive opinion to which it was addressed, concerned both for individual liberty and for a more rationally organised social system.


There was much talk about the benefits of scientific planning (so that Aldous Huxley's 1932 satire Brave New World could treat it as the intellectuals' already dated orthodoxy), and Alan went to talks on progressive ventures such as the Leeds Housing Scheme*.


But he would not have seen himself as one of the scientific organisers and planners.


In fact his idea of society was that of an aggregate of individuals, much closer to the views of democratic individualism held by J.S.Mill than that of socialists.


And to keep his individual self intact, self-contained, self-sufficient, uncontaminated by compromise or hypocrisy,? was his ideal.


It was an ideal far more concerned with the moral than with the economic or political; and closer to the traditional values of King's than to the developing currents of the 1930s.

