Since the outbreak of war GC and CS had continued to give work on the G[erman]A[ir]F[orce] variant of the Enigma priority over its attack on the naval traffic.
It had done so for two good reasons.
The GAF traffic was more voluminous. Over and above that, those who worked on the naval Enigma had been held up first by the fact that the German Navy used the machine more carefully than the GAF,
so that by the beginning of 1940 GC and CS had been able to break the settings for only 5 days of 1938,
and then by the discovery that, sometime about the outbreak of war, the naval machine had undergone more radical modification than had the GAF's.
During 1940 small amounts of captured naval cypher material had confirmed that, while both still used only three wheels at a time, the naval Enigma's wheels were selected from … 8 instead of from 5.
To make any headway, Alan would need something more to go on.
'From December 1939 GC and CS had left the Admiralty in no doubt about the urgency of this … requirement, but the Admiralty had had little opportunity to meet it.'
But there was (at least at sea) a war on, which meant that the German authorities had to work on the assumption that the Enigma machine itself would be captured.