研究显示 情侣手拉手会有益大脑和身体
日期:2018-03-21 16:52


Holding hands with a loved one might spark more of a connection than just the human touch: new research suggests it causes our breathing and heart rates to sync, and could even ease body pain.
That's the conclusion based on a study of 22 couples, one which adds to a growing body of research on interpersonal synchronization.
It turns out that there are actually plenty of ways our bodies automatically slide into sync with each other.

研究显示 情侣手拉手会有益大脑和身体

"It appears pain totally interrupts this interpersonal synchronization between couples and touch brings it back," lead researcher Pavel Goldstein said.
What's more, when the male partner felt more empathetic to his partner's pain, the brain activity syncing increased, and the more the pain was reduced.
While it's not clear why that would be, it's possible when we feel like someone is sharing our pain, that helps the brain manage it better.
