1. They tell you that you need to toughen up. Your negative friend can't take it when someone gives them some constructive criticism; yet, they have no problem criticizing you. When you tell them that they've hurt you with something they've said, they accuse you of having thin skin.
1. 他们对你说,你需要变得强壮 。当某人给你情绪消极的朋友提出建设性的批评时,他们无法接受;但他们却会不留情面的批评你 。当你告诉他们,他们说的话伤了你时,他们却抱怨你脸皮薄 。
2. They constantly judge you. A good friend is someone who accepts you unconditionally and doesn't give you unsolicited advice. If your friend is hypercritical and always pointing out your flaws, you need to fire them as soon as possible. They aren't good for you mentally or emotionally.
2. 他们总是对你说三道四 。好朋友是无条件接受你的人,而且不会主动给你建议 。如果你的朋友吹毛求疵,总是指出你的缺点,那么你需要尽快离开这样的朋友 。他们不利于你的身心发展 。
3. They put a lot of pressure on you. An overly negative friend will keep at you to succeed as if you're their stand-in for life. The overly negative are often insecure about their own abilities and find it easier to latch on to someone else. Life is stressful enough without someone continually pushing and prodding you.
3. 他们给你施加了很多压力 。一个过度消极的朋友会一直督促你成功,就好像你是他们一生的替代品一样 。过度消极的朋友通常对自己的能力不自信,觉得将希望寄托在他人身上往往更加简单 。生活本来就已经压力重重了,更何况某人还会不断的推动你、激励你 。
4. They put a negative spin on everything. Your overly negative friend has an amazing gift for turning your wins into failures.
4. 他们对一切事物都持消极态度 。你过度消极的朋友有着惊人天赋:能把好事变成坏事 。
5. They want you to share everything. A true friend gives as much as they take. An overly negative friend wants you to share all your secrets (ammunition to be used against you later) but won't tell you any of theirs.
5. 他们希望你分享一切 。真正的朋友会拿、也会给予 。过度消极的朋友希望你分享所有的秘密(将来可以用作对付你的炸药),但他们却不会告诉你他们的秘密 。
6. They're extremely controlling. Your bad friend has no problem shaming you for any misstep you make, and will say things like, "You're not going to eat that, are you?"
6. 他们的控制欲极强 。你的坏朋友会因为你犯的错误而毫不保留的羞辱你,会说一些这样的话,"你是不会吃的,是不是?"
7. They give back-handed compliments. It's kind of artistic how they can say something hurtful or insulting in such a way that it takes you a minute to realize the negative intent behind it. "Look at you wearing that dress. I would never be that brave. Go you."
7. 他们会转弯抹角式的恭维你 。这是一门艺术,他们怎么能以这样一种方式说出令人寒心、侮辱人的话语呢?你需要一分钟的时间才能体会到这句话背后的负面含义 。"看看你穿的这条裙子,我可没你这么勇敢,你真行!"
8. They talk sh*t about you behind your back. Your overly negative friend isn't just gossiping about you; they take badmouthing to the next level and are reveling in your mistakes.
8. 他们会私底下说你坏话 。你过度消极的朋友不仅会八卦你,而且还会揭你的短,谈论你犯下的错 。
9. They thrive in drama. Those with negative attitudes can never just chill. They have to create drama.
9. 他们十分戏剧化 。那些有着负面态度的人不会甘于平静 。他们必须要搞点事情 。