There are many foods we treat ourselves to everyday that are horrible for a canine's sensitive digestive system, and can even be deadly in some instances. But that doesn't mean all human food is off limits to dogs.
由于犬科动物消化系统敏感,因此我们的很多日常美食对于它们来说都是很可怕的,有时候甚至会致命 。但并不是所有的人类食物都是如此 。
We've broken it down for you, so you know what foods are OK — and which ones can result in death if consumed.
我们已为您详细列出表单,这样您就知道哪些食物是安全的——以及哪些食物吃下去会致命 。
What's safe
Most healthy foods that are good for us are relatively good for dogs. However, it's important to research what you can feed your pup before you do it. What started out as something healthy for a dog (like ground beef or grilled chicken) can instantly be made poisonous with the addition of certain oils, wines or onions. If you can't say no to that adorable face staring up at you from the floor as you eat, check out these human foods deemed safe by the ASPCA and Modern Dog magazine.
大多数有益于人体健康的食物也相对有益于狗狗 。然而,在喂食物给小狗前做一番研究是很重要的 。因为有些食物本来是有益于狗狗健康的(比如碎牛肉或烤鸡),但只要额外加上某类油、酒或洋葱,就有可能变得有毒 。如果吃饭的时候狗狗盯着你看,而你又无法对这种可爱的面孔说不,那么就看看以下这些由美国防止虐待动物协会和Modern Dog杂志认为安全的人类食物吧!
1. Peanut butter. This is a great source of added protein and fiber for your pup and a tablespoon on their dry food is a surefire way to get them to eat it! Make sure to choose an all-natural peanut butter that does not contain the ingredient xylitol as it can be dangerous for pets.
1. 花生酱 。对于狗狗而言,这是额外蛋白质和纤维的极佳来源,最好的方法就是在它们的狗粮上放一勺,它们就能吃完啦!但要确保选择纯天然、不含木糖醇成分的花生酱,因为宠物吃了木糖醇会有危险 。
2. Yogurt. This provides a great source of protein for dogs (especially Greek yogurt). Make sure to avoid the brands high in sugar and preservatives.
2. 酸奶 。这是狗狗获取蛋白质的极佳来源(尤其是希腊酸奶) 。确保不要选那些含糖量高和含有防腐剂的品牌 。
3. Lean proteins (like chicken, turkey and beef). Most of these meats are found in your pet's dry and wet foods anyway and are filled with healthy fats and proteins dogs need to maintain a healthy weight and energy level. Just be sure to feed them lean proteins that have not been cooked with strange vegetables, oils or wines.
3. 瘦肉蛋白质(比如鸡肉、火鸡和牛肉) 。反正宠物的干粮或湿粮中就含有大部分这些肉类,这些肉类富含狗狗需要的健康脂肪和蛋白质,以维持健康的体重和能量 。但要确保喂给狗狗的这些瘦肉蛋白没有与奇怪的蔬菜、油或酒烹饪过 。
4. Salmon. The omega-3 fatty acids are good for your dog's coat and skin health, and provide him with a healthy source of protein.
4. 三文鱼 。欧米茄3脂肪酸有利于狗狗的皮毛和皮肤健康,同时也是蛋白质的健康来源 。
5. Pumpkin and sweet potatoes. Pumpkins and sweet potatoes are a great source of beta carotene and vitamin A and help keep your pup's digestive system on track.
5. 南瓜和番薯 。南瓜和番薯是β胡萝卜素和维他命A的极佳来源,有利于促进狗狗的消化系统健康 。
6. Rice and pasta. Plain or whole wheat pastas are a good source of energy for your dog. Just avoid feeding them fatty or acidic sauces.
6. 大米和意大利面 。普通意面或全麦意面是狗狗获取能量的很好来源 。只要确保没有脂肪酱或酸性酱就行 。
7. Apples. This dog favorite is a great healthy snack and is a great sources of vitamins A and C!
7. 苹果 。这是狗狗的最爱,也是有益于健康的零食,同时还是维他命A和维他命C的极佳来源!