I was standing at the entrance of a swanky bar on an unremarkable Wednesday night in September the first time I saw the light hit his face. Every cell in my body became a choir - resounding a synchronized "whoa." I was certain he was the most fascinating work of nature I had ever had the pleasure of marveling at.
九月份一个平淡无奇的周三夜晚,我站在潮吧的入口处,第一次看到灯光打在他的脸上 。我体内的每一个细胞都在欢唱--一起唱着"哇哦 。"我确信他是我有幸见过的最令人着迷的大自然之作 。
It was our first date, and a blind one, in fact, because we had only developed a flirtation over Facebook. A mutual friend was emphatic that we meet, claiming to have been struck with an unshakable feeling we were "perfect for each other." Curious scrolling through his tagged photos had not prepared me for his charming level of in-the-flesh appeal, however.
那是我们的初次约会,事实上是相亲,因为我们只是在脸书上调过情 。我们的一个共同好友一直催我们见面,坚定地声称他/她已经被我们的"天造地设"所打动 。我带着好奇心浏览了他上传的照片,但这并未让我做好他本人十分迷人的准备 。
He was something in the realm of an Adonis; like a tonic of exhilarating alchemy. I was drunk, sweating, and "hot and bothered," but it wasn't the cinnamon vodka. Within a week of our first meeting, the gates of passion flung wide open with total abandon. We fell into a pool of romance so intoxicating, we could barely keep our heads above water. We began talking for hours every night - swapping stories of triumph, love, heartache, and defeat. He talked about his grief over losing his father to a massive heart attack at 16. I shared my pain over losing my mother to a tragic accident at the age of 6.
他是个小鲜肉;就像令人振奋的炼金术滋补品一样 。我当时喝醉了、流着汗、"意乱情迷,"但并不是肉桂伏特加所致 。初次见面的一周内,我对他十分热情、毫无保留 。我们陷入了一片醉人的浪漫之水中、'奄奄一息' 。我们开始每晚聊好几个小时--分享胜利、爱、心痛和失败的故事 。他谈论起16岁时父亲因为心脏病而去世的伤心往事 。我分享了6岁时母亲因为一次意外事故而离世的悲痛记忆 。
We swapped text messages from the moment our eyes opened until they closed each night. A few weeks in, he asked, "Do you want to run away together? I don't care where we go." My answer was no. Because I didn't. I had no desire to ever run again. I wanted to stay right where I was, swimming around in this pool of newfound magic with him forever.
我们每天一睁眼就开始发短信,一直发到睡着 。几周后,他问道,"你想不想和我私奔?我不在乎去哪儿 。"我的回答是不愿意 。因为我不想,我不想又一次私奔 。我想呆在现在的地方,和他永远畅游在新发现的魔法池中 。
Eight months later, while at a Sunday afternoon picnic in the park, one knee pressed into the grass, he presented me with a diamond ring and asked me to become his wife. I said yes, of course.
8个月后的一个周末午后,我们在公园野餐,他单膝跪地,拿出了一枚钻石求婚 。当然,我答应了他 。