I am Chinese, I started to learn Russian 7 years ago, in my University time.I am still learning Russian now. If I have to be honest, everything in Russian is so difficult. For example:
Род (gender), There are 3 genders for every noun. Masculine, feminine and neuter nouns. Once you use a different gender, you might have to change all the sentence.
Падеж (declension), there are 12 different declensions for every single word. Singular numbers 1st to 6th, plural numbers 1st to 6th.
Склонение (Conjugation), that is hell for foreigners. You can find more than 100 different forms from a single verb. There are special forms for present tense, past tense, future tense. I want ,you want, she/he/it wants they want, we want are all different. Let me show something to you:любить (love)
These are not all, there are plenty of exceptions in Russian language. You should try very hard to remember every single rule. But finally you will find exceptions in grammar are everywhere…
I often doubt about this. If I chose to learn French or some other simple languages. How well I can speak?But right now I still can’t speak Russian as well as I can in English. I only leant English hard in my school time. Since I started to learn Russian I almost gave up my English. (in fact, I did not learn it very hard, average 4–6 hours per week) .
Now I am living in Russia and still learning Russian language.