A Japanese firm is planning to use a drone to force employees out of their offices by playing music at them if they stay to work evening overtime.
The drone will fly through offices after hours playing Auld Lang Syne, which is commonly used to announce that stores are closing.
Japan has for years been trying to curb excessive overtime and the health issues and even deaths it can cause.
Experts were unimpressed, one branding it a "silly" idea.
According to Japanese media, office security and cleaning firm Taisei will develop the device with drone maker Blue Innovation and telecommunications company NTT East.
据日本媒体报道,主营办公室安保和保洁的大成公司将同无人机制造商“蓝色创新”和电信公司NTT East联手研发这款无人机。
The camera-equipped drone will take flights through the office space playing the famous Scottish tune.
"You can't really work when you think 'it's coming over any time now' and hear Auld Lang Syne along with the buzz," Norihiro Kato, a director at Taisei, told news agency AFP.
大成公司的一位名叫Norihiro Kato的主管告诉法新社说:“当你想到无人机随时可能过来并将听到伴随着嗡嗡声的《友谊地久天长》,你就干不下去了。”
Taisei plans to start the drone service in April 2018 as a trial within their own company and later in the year offer it to others.
"Will this help? The short answer is: no," Seijiro Takeshita, professor of management and information at the University of Shizuoka told the BBC.
日本静冈县立大学管理和信息学教授Seijiro Takeshita告诉BBC说:“这会起作用吗?简短的回答是:不会。”
"It's a pretty silly thing and companies are doing this just because they have to be seen to be doing something on the problem."
The issue of excessive overtime is deeply rooted in the work culture and should be tackled from a more fundamental basis, he argues.
"Creating awareness is of course very important - but this is almost a hoax in my opinion."
Scott North, professor of sociology at Osaka University, said: "Even if this robotic harassment gets workers to leave the office, they will take work home with them if they have unfinished assignments."
He added: "To cut overtime hours, it is necessary to reduce workloads, either by reducing the time-wasting tasks and tournament-style competitions for which Japanese workplaces are notorious, or by hiring more workers."