I'm about to dash off to meet Sean for our day together and can hardly wait to see him. I feel like a schoolgirl with a big crush. I know you're probably all sick of hearing about him, but you knowhow it is when you're ina new relationship. Everything is so exciting and it's hard to think of anvone other than the person you are dating.
I never thought I would feel this way again. I can't believe how sad and lonely I was only a couple of months ago. Everything changed so quickly when I made up my mind to pursue happiness instead of waiting for it to fall in my lap. I used to mope around the house all the time feeling sorry for myself when all I had to do was get up, go outside and see how beautiful life can be. I only wish I had done it sooner.
I am so happy and hopeful about my life now. And it's not just because I have a great new boyfriend. He's wonderful and I am totally falling in love with him, but it's more important than that. I truly love myself now and that is the big difference.