研究发现 节食减肥或可摆脱二型糖尿病
日期:2018-01-01 18:01


Nearly half of patients have reversed type 2 diabetes in a "watershed" trial, say doctors in Newcastle and Glasgow.
People spent up to five months on a low-calorie diet of soups and shakes to trigger massive weight loss.
Isobel Murray, 65, who had weighed 15 stone, lost over four stone and no longer needs diabetes pills. She says: "I've got my life back."
The charity Diabetes UK says the trial is a landmark and has the potential to help millions of patients.
Isobel, from Largs in North Ayrshire, was one of 298 people on the trial. Her blood sugar levels were too high, and every time she went to the doctors they increased her medication.
So, she went on to the all-liquid diet for 17 weeks - giving up cooking and shopping. She even ate apart from her husband, Jim.
Instead, she had four liquid meals a day - a sachet of powder is stirred in water to make a soup or shake. They contain about 200 calories, but also the right balance of nutrients.

研究发现 节食减肥或可摆脱二型糖尿病

Isobel told the BBC it was relatively easy as "you don't have to think about what you eat".
Once the weight has been lost, dieticians then help patients introduce healthy, solid meals. "Eating normal food is the hardest bit," says Isobel.
Prof Roy Taylor, from Newcastle University, told the BBC: "It's a real watershed moment. Before we started this line of work, doctors and specialists regarded type 2 as irreversible. But if we grasp the nettle and get people out of their dangerous state, they can get remission of diabetes."
However, doctors are not calling this a cure. If the weight goes back on, then the diabetes will return.
"I will never go there again," says Isobel. So far, she has kept the weight off for two years.
Isobel said: "I don't look at myself as a diabetic at all. You have to be fired up, you have to be prepared, but anybody can do it if you feel strongly enough."
