日期:2017-06-14 20:47



Quick: Picture yourself drinking some iced tea. Maybe, you're sitting poolside, eating hot dogs and hamburgers with your friends at a cookout. Or maybe you're taking a stroll through the park, taking in the sights on your way to a picnic. Or, just perhaps, you're at the beach, with your toes buried in the sand, a glass of tea in one hand and a book in the other.
No matter where you may be in your mind, there's simply no denying that iced tea is the ultimate refreshing summertime beverage. Nothing beats the heat quite like this lightly sweetened, highly iced, and subtly flavored drink.
In honor of the wonders of iced tea, we reached out to our Culinary Content Network of food bloggers to see what their favorite ways to drink this beverage is. From a citrusy latte to a lightened-up version of a Southern staple to everything in between, here are iced teas you simply need to drink this summer.
为纪念神奇的冰茶,我们与烹饪内容网络(Culinary Content Network)的美食博主取得了联系,看看他们最喜欢怎么喝这种饮料P.|%WctWPUmi@*ac,ZoP。从柑橘拿铁到淡淡的南方主食再到其间的一切,今夏一定要试试下列这些冰茶哦!
Blueberry Pineapple Iced Tea
Want to give your iced tea an extra dose of summertime flavor? My Suburban Kitchen infuses her unsweetened iced tea with blueberry a?ai juice, pineapple juice, and fresh fruit for a satisfying chilled drink.
想给自己的冰茶注入另一股夏季风味吗?我的郊区厨房博主(My Suburban Kitchen)将蓝莓阿萨伊汁、菠萝汁和新鲜的水果倒入不含糖的冰茶中,一杯令人满意的冰饮就完成啦PMp_Fk4rTRdFWH]v
Orange Iced Tea Latte
Oranges may be the world's most refreshing citrus, and Sweet and Spicy Monkey mimics the flavor of biting into a big slice of fruit in this latte.
橙子也许是世界上最清新的柑橘水果了,甜辣猴博主(Sweet and Spicy Monkey)在这款拿铁中模仿了橙子味儿C.zL]*nS0KXuO
Pomegranate Green Tea Mojitos
This Moroccan-inspired cocktail blends the pomegranates and green tea favored by that region with a summertime favorite cocktail, the mojito. The Redhead Baker's recipe can easily be made non-alcoholic by omitting the rum.
这款摩洛哥风格的鸡尾酒用当地的夏日最爱mojito鸡尾酒融合了石榴和绿茶FrqVVL#qwg。The Redhead Baker的冰茶做法很容易就可以做成无酒精饮料,只要不加朗姆酒就行S2^[Lwbf0*mfig




Refreshing Mint Tea
A Little Rosemary and Thyme was inspired by the cold mint tea she found at the greenmarkets in New York. This five-ingredient tea includes its most apt descriptor right there in the name: refreshing.
Sugar-Free Southern Sweet Tea With Rosemary and Lemon
Southern-styled sweet iced tea is known for a heavy dose of sugar, but Rural Mom lightens this up by using a zero-calorie sweetener. Aside from that, this recipe is a total Southern classic thanks to fresh lemon and rosemary.
南方甜冰茶以甜味重而出名,但Rural Mom通过使用零卡路里甜味剂减轻了甜味UIb#mI9u-9!ztO。除此之外,由于柠檬和迷迭香,该冰茶完全是南方经典N15QWOr%lWf



  • inspiredadj. 有创见的,有灵感的
  • subtlyadv. 敏锐地,巧妙地,精细地
  • strolln. 闲逛,漫步 v. 闲逛,漫步
  • slicen. 薄片,切片 vt. 切成薄片,削
  • kitchenn. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间
  • ultimaten. 终极,根本,精华 adj. 终极的,根本的,极限的
  • recipen. 食谱,秘诀,药方
  • dosen. 剂量,一剂,一服 vt. 给 ... 服药
  • flavorn. 滋味,香料,风格 vt. 加味于
  • aptadj. 恰当的,聪明的,易于 ... 的 abbr.