英国52岁流浪汉被剑桥录取 主修英国文学
日期:2017-12-08 23:15


A 52--year--old man who spent most of his adult life sleeping rough and selling copies of a magazine to help the homeless has enrolled at Britain's illustrious Cambridge University.
Geoff Edwards says he left school at a young age with two qualifications and few ambitions, then ended up homeless in the city of Cambridge after work as a field laborer dried up.
Now Edwards is studying English literature, having completed a college course designed for adults who want to return to education or need extra qualifications to go on to university.

英国52岁流浪汉被剑桥录取 主修英国文学

"I didn't think of applying to Cambridge -- I didn't think Cambridge University would take someone like me, but my (course) tutor encouraged me to apply," Edwards said in a statement.

"It is the first thing I am proud of in my life," he said.
Edwards said it had always been his "dream" to attend Cambridge, considered one of the top universities in the world.
The number of homeless people in Britain has soared past 300,000 -- an increase of 4 percent on last year -- with one in 200 sleeping rough, the housing charity Shelter said.

  • sheltern. 庇护所,避难所,庇护 v. 庇护,保护,隐匿
  • charityn. 慈善,慈善机关(团体), 仁慈,宽厚
  • tutorn. 家庭教师,导师 v. 当家庭教师,当导师,指导
  • laborern. 劳动者,劳工 =labourer(英)
  • statementn. 声明,陈述
  • roughadj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的