KARACHI, Pakistan — Pakistani investigators arrested the chief executive of Axact, a software company accused of running a global diploma mill, early Wednesday after discovering a storage room filled with blank fake degrees.
The chief executive, Shoaib Ahmed Shaikh, and four other Axact executives were initially charged with fraud, forgery and illegal electronic money transfers, law enforcement officials said. The charges were later expanded to include money laundering and violating Pakistan’s electronic crimes act.
执法人员表示,首席执行官沙耶布·艾哈迈徳·谢赫(Shoaib Ahmed Shaikh)及其他四名Axact高管最初被指控犯有欺诈、伪造和非法电子资金转移罪。他们被指控的罪名后来增添了洗钱、以及违反巴基斯坦的电子犯罪法。
The arrests were a sharp blow to a company that claimed to be Pakistan’s biggest software exporter and that was on the cusp of starting a major television network. Axact has been under investigation since May 19, after an article in The New York Times described how the company had made millions of dollars by running hundreds of fake online education websites.
Since then, federal investigators have sealed Axact offices in Karachi and Islamabad and requested help from Interpol and the F.B.I. Mr. Shaikh sought to defend himself in a series of television interviews and video appeals, and he asked the courts to halt the investigation.
But his legal move proved unsuccessful, and late Tuesday, after hours of questioning, he led investigators to a building next to the Axact headquarters in the upscale Karachi neighborhood of Defence.
Inside, they found a room filled with blank certificates bearing the letterheads of dozens of fake universities and high schools operated by Axact under names like Bay View, Cambell State, Oxdell and Nixon.
在大楼里,调查人员发现了一个房间,里面装满了带有Axact经营的假大学和假高中名字的空白文凭,学校名称包括湾景(Bay View)、堪布贝尔州立(Cambell State)、欧克斯贝尔(Oxdell),以及尼克松(Nixon)。
“There were hundreds of thousands of documents there,” said Shahid Hayat, head of the local office of the Federal Investigation Agency, which is leading the inquiry.
“在那里找到了成千上万的证书,”领导此次调查的联邦调查机构当地办事处的负责人沙希德·哈亚特(Shahid Hayat)说。
Pakistani television networks broadcast images of the room, and of Mr. Shaikh, wearing a black polo shirt with the Axact logo, being led to a car waiting outside the office. As he got into the car, he could be heard telling officials of the investigation agency that he would “see to every one of them.”
Mr. Hayat, the investigator, expressed surprise at the remark. “I don’t think he can threaten us,” he said.
Mr. Shaikh appeared in court later on Wednesday. A judge granted the Federal Investigation Agency custody of Mr. Shaikh and the four other executives until June 4. Investigators had said earlier that they would seek to extend his detention by 14 days while they examined the Axact network, which spans a number of countries and includes several offshore companies.
Axact’s online activities appear to have effectively shut down. Attempts by a reporter to contact sales agents at 221 of the company’s websites in recent days produced no response. Several of the fake accreditation bodies set up by the company, in a bid to bestow legitimacy on the universities, have gone offline.
Pakistan has requested F.B.I. assistance because many of the universities run by Axact purported to be based in the United States, operated bank accounts and mailboxes there and sold fake degrees to Americans. Axact sales agents also sold State Department authentication certificates bearing Secretary of State John Kerry’s signature.
巴基斯坦已要求美国联邦调查局提供帮助,因为许多Axact运作的大学号称设在美国,在美国有银行帐户和邮箱,并向美国人出售假文凭。 Axact的销售代理还出售带有美国国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)签名的认证证书。
Experts say that fake degrees can pose dangers to public safety and national security in many parts of the world and can enable immigration fraud. They can also have serious consequences for customers who are caught using them.
Two former Axact officials, speaking separately, said that in 2009, an American married couple, both members of the United States military serving in Iraq, emailed Axact to say that they faced courts-martial for having presented academic credentials bought from a university run by Axact.
The couple requested an accreditation certificate from the university to help defend themselves, said Ahmed, a former sales agent who asked that his last name not be used. An Axact manager instructed subordinates to block the couple’s calls, he said.
Mr. Shaikh has vehemently denied any wrongdoing but admitted some involvement in the online degree business. In his last video message before his arrest, he said Axact provided telephone support and what he termed “document management services” for other companies. He did not identify those companies.
The scandal has cast a cloud over Bol, the Axact television and newspaper group that had planned to begin broadcasting in June. On Saturday, the network’s editor in chief and several leading journalists resigned, after Pakistan’s interior minister spoke of “substantive” evidence against Axact.