In the Las Vegas shooting on Sunday night, at least 58 people were killed, and more than 400 others were transported to hospitals. Early this morning, the Las Vegas Police Department tweeted about the need for local blood donors, reminding us that in the wake of this tragedy-as well as the devastation wrought by Hurricanes Maria, Irma, and Harvey-helping out can be as simple as rolling up a sleeve. Last summer, Health spoke with Justin Kreuter, MD, medical director of the Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Center in Rochester, Minnesota. Here's what he wants potential donors to know:
周日晚拉斯维加斯发生的枪击事件造成至少58人罹难,400多人住院 。今天清晨,拉斯维加斯警察局发布推文,声称需要当地人献血,并提醒我们在这场悲剧之后--以及飓风玛丽、飓风欧玛和飓风哈维带来的破坏之后--只要卷起袖子,你就能帮助别人 。去年夏天,《健康》杂志与贾斯汀·克雷特医学博士进行了交流,他还是明尼苏达州罗彻斯特梅奥诊所献血中心的医学主任 。他希望试图献血的人知道这些事:
Eligibility is always changing
The Red Cross maintains an alphabetical list of eligibility criteria for potential donors-from acupuncture (thumbs up) to Zika (thumbs down)-and can give you the latest information on whether or not you're good to give.
红十字会依旧按照字母顺序列出潜在献血者的资格标准--从针灸(点赞)到寨卡(反对)--同时给人们提供是否适合献血的最新信息 。
The FDA regulates donor blood just as aggressively as it regulates drugs
"It takes a lot of money to do the infectious-disease testing that we do [on donor blood], and when we create blood products out of the donation, that's done to the same standards as any drug manufactured in this country. The FDA holds us to those same standards, so it's a very high level of quality and also resources that are invested," Dr. Kreuter explains. "These tests and high standards are what's keeping the blood supply safe, so that if my wife or one of my daughters needs a blood transfusion, I can feel assured that I can just sit at their bedside and hold their hand rather than worry about what that might result [in] for them later down the road."
"我们会对捐赠者的血液进行传染病检测,这需要花很多钱 。当我们从捐赠的血液中制造血液制品时,必须与本国任何药品制造的的标准一样 。食品与药品监管局要求我们遵循相同的标准,所以质量很高,投入的资源也很多,"克雷特医生解释道 。"这些测试和高标准保证了血液供应的安全,所以如果我的妻子或女儿需要输血,我就可以坐在她们的身边握住她们的手,心中十分放心,完全不必担心输血会对她们以后的人生带来什么不利影响 。"
You'll get a mini-physical before you donate
The flip side of donor blood screening (which ensures that it's safe for the eventual recipient) is confirming the donor's health (which ensures that the blood draw won't have a negative effect on them). "We check blood pressure and pulse, we do a pinprick to check red blood cells to make sure they're safe-we don't want to make our donors iron deficient," Dr. Kreuter says. He makes no specific suggestions about what you eat and drink prior to donation; just be sure you have breakfast and lunch under your belt, and take it easy on caffeine.
供体血液筛查(确保最终接受者的安全)的另一面就是确认献血者的健康(确保抽血不会对他们产生不利影响) 。"我们会检查血压和脉搏,用针刺检查红细胞,以确保它们的安全--我们不希望献血者缺乏铁元素,"克雷特医生说道 。他没有具体建议在献血前该吃什么、喝什么,但一定要确保是吃过早饭或午饭的,而且要少喝咖啡 。