低头党的福音 中国首条手机人行道
日期:2014-10-11 14:40


A popular tourist destination in Chongqing, a major city in southwest China, has devoted a portion of its pavement for mobile phone users too entranced by the activity on their screens to avoid other pedestrians.

Another section of the pavement bans phone users.
In July, National Geographic commissioned a similar stretch of pavement in Washington DC, in a brief experiment testing human behaviour.
Chongqing's new sidewalk attracted ridicule on Weibo, China's version of Twitter.
"Am I supposed to jump to the other side of the path when I get an incoming phone call?" one user questioned.
"Maybe they can even build one traffic lane especially for drunk drivers in the future," sniffed another.
Indeed, the ploy seems to have created a new problem: street congestion, as hordes of people stop in their tracks to snap photos of the special sidewalk.

  • tracksn. 轨道(track的复数);磁道;轮胎
  • stretchn. 伸展,张开 adj. 可伸缩的 v. 伸展,张开,
  • ridiculen. 嘲笑,愚弄,笑柄 v. 嘲笑,嘲弄,愚弄
  • portionn. 部分,份,命运,分担的责任
  • sidewalkn. 人行道 =pavement(英)
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • destinationn. 目的地,终点,景点
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • devotedadj. 投入的,深爱的 v. 投入 vbl. 投入
  • ployn. 花招,手段