家电巨头瞄准共享手机 iPhone一天仅需9.9元
日期:2017-09-23 14:18


Mobile rental is heating up under the context of shared economy.
Customers can rent a new iPhone for one year at the cost of 9.9 yuan a day, but owing to some concerns, this business is attracting fewer customers than expected, Beijing Daily reported.
Gome, a home appliance giant, recently announced that over 1,600 stores in China have officially started a smartphone rental service. Customers can rent an iPhone 7 (32G) for a whole year for 300 yuan ($45) a month.

家电巨头瞄准共享手机 iPhone一天仅需9.9元

The policy was made according to a big data research, which shows customers change their mobile phones every 17 months on average.
Renting a phone enables users to experience the latest phone at a lower cost, a Gome staff in charge of the service told Beijing Daily.
An insider said that smart phone rental has a large market, but it is better to focus on those who cannot afford a one-off payment and those who like to frequently change their phone.
Mobile phone rental is still in the incubation stage. With proper operation, this new service will not only reduce waste, but also become a good investment choice, the analyst said.

  • smartadj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的
  • paymentn. 支付,付款,报偿,报应
  • contextn. 上下文,环境,背景
  • incubationn. 抱蛋,孵化,熟虑
  • announced宣布的
  • insidern. 局内人,知情人