日期:2017-05-01 12:05


Australia has agreed a cyber security pact with Beijing under which both countries have pledged not to conduct or support the theft of intellectual property or trade secrets from each other.
The agreement follows a specific request made by Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s prime minister, to Chinese Premier Li Keqiang during his state visit to Australia last month, and reflects growing concern in the west about state-sponsored hacking and cyber crime.
这项协议是在澳总理马尔科姆?特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)于中国总理李克强上月正式访澳期间向李提出一项特别请求后出炉的,它反映出西方日益担心由国家支持的网络攻击和网络犯罪。
“Australia and China agreed that neither country would conduct or support cyber-enabled theft of intellectual property, trade secrets or confidential business information with the intent of obtaining competitive advantage,” the Australian government said in a statement on Monday.
Canberra has stepped up its focus on cyber crime and espionage following its admission last year that government networks had in 2015 suffered a state-sponsored cyber attack that initially targeted the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. In January Mr Turnbull warned that Russia’s interference in the US election through hacking was of “great concern”.
去年,堪培拉方面承认,2015年澳政府网络曾遭遇由国家支持的网络攻击,攻击最初以澳大利亚气象局(Australian Bureau of Meteorology)为目标。在那之后,堪培拉方面加大了对网络犯罪和间谍活动的关注。今年1月,特恩布尔警告称,俄罗斯通过网络攻击干预美国大选令人“极为关切”。
Peter Jennings, director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said he had “no doubt whatsoever that the Chinese were responsible for the meteorology bureau attack”.
澳大利亚战略政策研究所(Australian Strategic Policy Institute)所长彼得?詹宁斯(Peter Jennings)表示,他“毫不怀疑中国人应对气象局遭受攻击负责”。
He said the bilateral agreement made sense as China was the largest source of cyber espionage for Australia to consider. But he warned Canberra should be under no illusion that Beijing would continue to target Australian interests.


Tim Wellsmore, director of threat intelligence at global cyber security group FireEye, said the Australia-China pact looked similar to an agreement between US and China signed in 2015.
全球网络安全集团FireEye的网络威胁情报部门主任蒂姆?韦尔斯莫尔(Tim Wellsmore)表示,这项澳中协议看上去与2015年美国与中国签署的一项协议类似。
“It focuses on the theft of intellectual property and business-related issues but not espionage or political-inspired hacking,” he said.
A report by FireEye last year concluded there had been a notable decline in China-based groups’ overall intrusion activity against entities in the US since mid-2014. It said the shift in operations reflected the influence of military reforms in China, widespread exposure of Chinese cyber operations and actions taken by the US government.
