One quadrillion yen. ¥1,000,000,000,000,000. Two hundred and thirty nine per cent of gross domestic product. Simply to state the epic size of Japan’s public debt invokes a frisson of disaster foretold and virtuous warning duly given. A debt so large must surely end in financial catastrophe. Just look at Greece. Argument over. Do something and do it now, you deadbeats.
Debt paralyses economic debate in Japan, suppressing political differences over tax or spend, and hanging over all efforts to stimulate the economy. Yet despite two decades of warnings about fiscal Armageddon, a debt crisis never arrived. It never even came close, despite shocks on the scale of Lehman Brothers and the Tohoku earthquake. Traders have a name for the bet against Japanese government bonds: “the widow-maker”.
债务让日本的经济辩论陷入停滞,压制了政治上关于税收或支出的分歧,搁置了所有刺激经济的努力。然而尽管20年来对“财政末日”的警告不绝于耳,但债务危机从未爆发。甚至日本从没有接近爆发债务危机,尽管雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)和日本东北部地震带来那么大的冲击。交易员为做空日本政府债券起了个名字:“寡妇制造者”。
Financial morality tales usually end with a purifying crisis, to cleanse the vice of debt. But it is time to accept that such a crisis may never happen. So far, Japan has provided smoothly for the world’s fastest-ageing population. It is the inchoate and incoherent fears of a debt disaster that have led to serious policy mistakes, such as the 2014 rise in consumption tax that choked off economic recovery.
There are only four ways a country can resolve a large public debt: growth, repayment, default or inflation. Growth is out. Whatever prime minister Shinzo Abe says, Japan cannot outgrow its liabilities while the population shrinks, no matter how many trade deals it signs or reforms it concludes. Large-scale immigration would change everything, but debt ratios should not decide so fundamental a social choice.
一个国家只有4种解决巨额公共债务的方法:增长、偿还、违约或者通胀。增长没戏。不管日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)说什么,日本经济增速都不可能在人口缩减的同时超过其债务增速,无论它签署多少贸易协定或者完成多少改革。大规模移民将会改变一切,但债务比率不应该决定如此重大的社会选择。
Repayment is almost as difficult. It would require a budget surplus over many years despite ever greater spending on healthcare, pensions and national defence. In turn, a surplus requires a corresponding deficit for consumers, companies or foreigners. Given the expectation of higher taxes and uncertain pension provision, Japanese households seem unlikely to run down their savings aggressively.
That makes the two crisis outcomes — default or inflation — seem inevitable. Default, however, makes no sense at all since almost all of Japan’s debt is owned by the central bank and the domestic financial system. If it did not repay, the government would simply have to recapitalise them. It would be defaulting on itself.
Higher inflation — at or a bit above the 2 per cent inflation target Japan has missed for the past couple of decades — would help, not hurt, by gently eroding debt. Just possibly, in the transition to higher inflation, the Bank of Japan might lose control and let prices take off. But the government has little incentive to pursue an inflation tax. Japan is an asset-owning country full of price-conscious pensioners. There is no quicker route to political suicide than destroying their savings.
All four routes to resolving the public debt seem improbable. Nor is there any obvious reason, given that Japan is the world’s biggest international creditor, why investor panic and flight from the yen should force it to choose among them.
That leaves a more plausible fifth option. Do not resolve the public debt. Live with it. This is surprisingly do-able.
In a forthcoming update to a prescient 2005 paper casting doubt on the likelihood of a debt crisis, Columbia University economist David Weinstein and co-author Mark Greenan find three reasons why Japan has avoided a bond panic: falling interest costs, ruthless control of spending on the elderly and a big rise in taxes.
2005年,哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)经济学家大卫?韦恩斯坦(David Weinstein)和马克?格林南(Mark Greenan)合作撰写了一篇具有预见性的报告,对日本爆发债务危机的可能性表示了怀疑。他们在即将发表的最新版报告中发现了日本得以避免债务恐慌的三个理由:利息成本下降、严格控制对老年人的支出以及大幅增税。
The real interest rate Japan pays on its debt has fallen steadily. With short-term interest rates now negative, the country gets paid to borrow for short periods. The interest bill is even more manageable after factoring in revenues from Japan’s foreign exchange reserves and other public financial assets. As a result, economic stimulus under Mr Abe has finally stabilised Japan’s debt after years of relentless increase. It was 237 per cent of GDP in 2012. The International Monetary Fund forecasts 232 per cent of GDP for 2022.
Low interest rates mean the existing debt simply does not matter that much for fiscal sustainability. More importantly, and belying its reputation for wasteful public works, Japan has made a series of tough decisions on healthcare and pension spending. Real per capita outlays on the elderly have fallen. Tax revenues are up by six percentage points of GDP since 2000. “If this approach continues,” write Mr Weinstein and Mr Greenan, “Japan may very well avoid either a financial crisis or a major inflationary episode.”
Japan cannot afford to splurge. As the baby boom generation reaches old age, it will need to means test benefits and raise more revenue from wealth and consumption taxes. But Japan has shown it can do so. It is time, therefore, to drop the fears of imminent crisis and the demands for instant fiscal tightening. Mr Abe’s policies have stabilised Japan’s debt. It is imperative to keep them going until inflation is high enough to cut interest rates during a recession and the economy is strong enough to run a fiscal surplus during a boom.
A country with Japan’s demographics will always be close to the edge. With discipline on spending, however, there is no reason to fall off it. The widow-maker has plenty more victims in it yet.