Being a nanny — and having one — can be a great experience. Not only do nannies get to care for a sweet, adorable child, they also get to inspire and teach a developing mind. When you find a great nanny, sometimes they start to feel like family.
作为保姆——或请了一个保姆——都是一个很棒的经历 。保姆不仅能照顾一个暖心可爱的孩子,还能激励他们、教会他们成长 。当找到一位很棒的保姆时,你有时候会觉得她们/他们就像家人一样 。
I've been a nanny on and off over the past five years, and I've gotten very close to the families I have worked for. However, it's important to remember that no matter how much we might feel like family, we actually aren't. That means there are lines you shouldn't cross, discussions you shouldn't have.
过去五年,我断断续续地做过保姆,我与雇佣我的家庭也都十分亲近 。然而,记住这一点十分重要:无论觉得自己多么像雇主的亲人,实际上我们并不是 。这就意味着有些底线你是不该跨越的、有些对话你们是不能谈的 。
To ensure that you aren't pushing boundaries and making your nanny uncomfortable, here are three things you should never do in front of your nanny.
为了确保你没有跨过界限,让你的保姆不舒服,你就不应该在保姆面前做这三件事 。
1. Talk about your finances.
1. 谈论自己的财务状况 。
If you’re struggling financially, try not to bring it up casually in front of your nanny, or any other employee for that matter. It will make them think they should be charging less or they might lose their job. If you do need them to take a pay cut or let them go, that should be discussed in an established meeting.
如果你经济困难,尽量不要在保姆或任何其他雇员面前随意提到这件事 。因为这会让他们有种需要少收费或他们可能失业的感觉 。如果你的确需要他们减薪或解雇他们,那就应该在正式场合告诉他们 。
On the other hand, if you happen to be rolling in it, make sure you aren’t saying too much on that matter either. Your nanny might think you're underpaying her, which won’t end well for anyone.
另一方面,如果你很有钱,一定确保自己不要过多炫富 。因为你的保姆可能会觉得你给她的工资开低了,这对任何人来说都不是一件好事 。
2. Fight with your partner or talk badly of them.
2. 和另一半争吵或说他们坏话 。
This should go without saying, but sometimes nannies become so familiar that you might not realize they're even around. It's best, however, to make sure that your private matters are kept private.
这点不言自明,但有时候你太熟悉保姆了,你可能都没有意识到她在身边 。然而,最好还是确保在私底下解决自己的私事 。
Unless your nanny is also your best friend, try not to air your dirty laundry with them when they still have to work professionally with your other half. It might ruin any relationship or respect they've built up with your partner and it can be uncomfortable for your nanny.
除非你的保姆也是你最好的朋友,否则在他们还要与你的另一半有工作上的接触时,尽量不要和他们倒苦水 。这可能会毁掉她/他对另一半的尊重、也会毁掉他们之间建立的友情,而且你的保姆也会感到不舒服 。
3. Complain about your last nanny.
3. 抱怨上一个保姆 。
It’s another to talk harshly about their style, looks, or interests. Talking down about these things will make your current nanny feel like that could be said about them as well.
苛刻的谈论上一个保姆的风格、长相或兴趣不是件好事 。谈论这些事情会让现任保姆觉得你也有可能这么说她/他 。