Prolonged periods of sitting and watching television causes a THREE-FOLD increased risk of developing a walking difficulty in later life, a new study has shown. The study, which followed a group of healthy people between the ages of 50 and 71 for 10 years, found that prolonged sitting was particularly harmful when combined with low levels of physical activity.
一项新研究表明:长时间坐着看电视会导致以后走路困难的风险增加三倍 。该研究对50岁至71岁的一组身体健康人士随访了10年,研究发现身体活动较低时,长时间的坐着尤为有害 。
Participants who watched 5 or more hours of TV per day had a 65% greater risk of reporting a mobility disability at the study's end, compared with those who watched the least amounts of TV (less than 2 hours per day) - regardless of their level of physical activity.
研究结束时,相比看电视最少的人(每天少于2小时),每天看电视5小时或以上的受试者行动障碍的风险要高65%--无论他们的身体活动水平如何 。
However, those who had 3 hours per week or less of physical activity were found to be even more likely to have difficulty walking by the end of the study. "Sitting and watching TV for long periods (especially in the evening) has got to be one of the most dangerous things that older people can do," said Professor Loretta DiPietro, lead author of the study from George Washington University in Washington, DC.
然而,研究结束时,那些每周只锻炼3小时或更少时间的人被发现更有可能走路困难 。"长时间坐着看电视(尤其是晚上)是老年人能做的最危险的事情之一,"该研究的主要作者洛丽塔·迪彼得罗教授说道,她来自于华盛顿特区乔治华盛顿大学 。
This study comes a week after Public Health England announced the country is facing a shocking health time-bomb due to inactivity. The survey showed that more than six million middle-aged Brits fail to manage a single brisk 10 minute walk in a month.
英格兰公共卫生局宣布该国国人由于不运动而面临着令人震惊的健康时间炸弹消息一周后,该研究问世 。调查显示:600多万中年英国人一个月都未能快走10分钟 。
"As we age, the less we use our muscles, the worse they become in terms of quantity AND quality," said Dr James Brown from Aston University and trustee of the British Society for Research on Ageing.
"当年纪越来越大,我们使用肌肉的频率也越来越低,因此肌肉的数量和质量都变得更差,"英国老年研究协会的受托人和阿斯顿大学的詹姆斯·布朗博士说道 。
"The key message is USE IT OR LOSE IT!" Dr Brown told the Daily Mirror.
"关键信息就是不使用肌肉你就会失去肌肉!"布朗博士对Daily Mirror期刊说道 。
Benefits of walking
The minimum recommended amount of exercise is ten minutes walking at brisk intensity every day. This benefits inactive adults the most as it gets the heart pumping in order to improve health.
每天最低的推荐运动量就是10分钟的快走 。这对平时不动的成年人最为有益,因为快走能让你扑通扑通的心跳,从而改善健康 。
Research shows that anyone completing that would be 15% less likely to have an early death, 40% less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, 35% less likely to suffer heart problems and 30% less likely to get dementia.
研究表明:每天快走10分钟的人早死的可能性要低15%,患2型糖尿病的风险要低40%,患心脏疾病的风险要低35%,而痴呆的可能性要低30% 。