Welcome to the era of superfoods, when eating just one won’t do. We’re always on the lookout for more, even though “superfood” is just a buzzword with no technical definition.
欢迎来到超级食物时代,在这个时代中,只吃一种食物是远远不够的 。我们总是在寻找更多的食物,尽管“超级食物”只是一个流行词,并没有专门定义 。
Let us introduce you to sacha inchi, a seed that’s eaten like a nut and might very well be the next big superfood. This is what it looks like:
现在,我们向各位介绍印加果,这是一种种子,吃起来像是坚果,很有可能是下一代超级食物,它长成这种样子(如图) 。
At first crunch, it tastes mostly like a nut, but after about 10 seconds, there’s a ... unique ... finishing flavor. Some say it has a buttery finish, but others (all of us here at HuffPost who’ve tasted them) would say it’s a distinctly fishy flavor.
第一口吃下去像是坚果,但10秒钟后,有一种奇特的余味萦绕在舌尖 。有人说这种残留的余味像黄油味,但是还有些人(郝芬顿邮报的所有员工都尝过了)则认为肯定是鱼肉的味道 。
Sacha inchi ― also known as sacha peanut or mountain peanut ― is native to South America and Southeast Asia, and it is infiltrating our Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s supermarkets. When all’s said and done, one seed is about the size of a large peanut. But before it gets that way, the nutrient-dense seed grows in geometric pods like this:
印加果——也叫做印加花生或山花生——是南美洲和东南亚土生土长的特产,现在Whole Foods和Trader Joe超市也有的卖 。一切都尘埃落定后,一个种子的大小就像一个大花生 。但在它长成这样之前,这种富含营养的种子是在几何豆荚中生长的 。
And the pod looks like this when cut in half:
将豆荚切半是这样的(如图) 。
So why are we cultivating this fruit for its seeds? Because it has the highest levels of plant-based omega-3s out there. That makes it a great way for vegans and vegetarians to load up on their fatty acids. Imlak’esh Organics, which makes sacha inchi for Trader Joe’s, claims sacha inchi contains 17 times the omega-3 oil content of salmon, as well as all eight essential amino acids.
所以我们为什么要培育这种水果来得到它的种子呢?因为它的植物欧米茄3脂肪酸含量最高 。对于素食者来说,这是储藏脂肪酸的很好方法 。Imlak’esh Organics为Trader Joe生产印加果,声称印加果含有的欧米茄3油是三文鱼的17倍,其必要氨基酸是三文鱼的8倍 。
Also, one ounce of these seeds contains about 8 grams of protein, which is more than almonds. And, before they’re cracked open to get the seed, they look beautiful like this:
同时,一盎司的印加果种子含有8克蛋白质,比杏仁含有的蛋白质还多 。在你撬开印加果获得种子前,它们长这样:
Sacha inchi are being marketed stateside as a nut ― some salted and some flavored. They can be tossed on top of salads, used in trail mixes and even eaten as is. What do you think about this superfood? Would you try it?
在美国,人们推销印加果时,说它是一种坚果——有些咸、有些则别有风味 。印加果可以放在沙拉上,也可以加到果仁盘中,甚至可以直接吃 。你觉得这个超级食物如何?想要吃吃看吗?