Legally, all you need for a wedding is a visit to the registry office, and whatever else your local government requires. Everything else is optional. Of course, some things are more optional than others.
从法律角度而言,结婚只需要去婚姻登记处登记,做好地方政府要求的事情 。其它一切都是可有可无的 。当然,有些事情更加不重要 。
Most weddings these days skip the garter toss; many skip the bridesmaids and groomsmen, and some even skip the flowers. What matters is that you pick the right elements to keep to make you and your guests happy.
现而今,很多婚礼都省去了抛袜带的习俗,还有很多人没有伴郎伴娘,有些人甚至都不扔捧花了 。但重要的就是你选择的那些习俗能让你和你的宾客快乐 。
A gift registry
Plenty of couples skip the gift registry, because they're not moving out of their parents' homes without a cent to their name. But more traditional (that is, older) wedding guests will still want to give you something.
很多新婚小夫妇都省去了礼品单这一步,因为从父母家中搬出去住时,他们不可能身无分文 。但一些比较传统的(也就是年纪较大的)宾客仍会送一些礼物给你 。
In your invitations, note that gifts are not expected, but give some guidance for those who insist, so you don't end up getting something both expensive and unwanted. A tiny registry with medium-ticket items will make it clear that gifts are truly optional.
在请柬中注明你并不期望宾客送礼物给你,但对那些坚持要送的人来说,你可以给一些提示,这样最后得到的礼物就不会又贵又无用了 。在礼品单上写几样中等价位的商品就能向宾客说清楚:礼物可送可不送 。
Everyone you've ever known
If you don't actually want someone at your wedding, don't invite them out of obligation or guilt. There's a decent chance they will be relieved they don't have to come. Even at a large wedding, you'll find yourself trimming the list. Lifehacker has some great shortcuts for picking someone to cut. For example, don't invite anyone you wouldn't take out to dinner.
如果你真的不想某人参加你的婚礼,那就不要出于责任感或内疚感而邀请他/她 。你不邀请他们,很有可能也使他们松了口气 。即使婚礼盛大,你也会删减宾客名单 。生活骇客(Lifehacker)能够帮助你挑选不该请谁 。比如,不要邀请那些你不愿与之共进晚餐的人 。
Bridesmaids and groomsmen
There's a good chance you're already skipping these. And your friends will probably be relieved to learn they don't have to buy matching dresses or whatever weird thing groomsmen do. But do assign duties to a friend or two, such as holding the bouquet, helping with makeup, and running your reception playlist.
很有可能你已经省略这一步了 。你的朋友也很有可能松了一口气,因为伴娘不用买合适的裙子,而伴郎则不用做一些奇怪的事情 。但一定要让一两个朋友帮帮忙,比如拿捧花、帮忙补妆或者播放音乐 。
Bachelor/ette parties
Just as obviously, you don't have to do the traditional rager with penis pops or strippers. I personally recommend a small gathering of close friends -- the ones who would have been in your wedding party -- doing an activity you already love. And feel free to organise your own. For example, my friends and I nerded out with a game of Dungeons & Dragons.
同样显而易见的是,你不需要和帅警察或脱衣舞娘共度传统的疯狂之夜 。个人建议,你可以和三两好友小聚--当然是参加你婚礼的好友--做一些你们喜欢做的事情 。尽情的安排吧 。比如,我和我的朋友就一起玩了《龙与地下城》的游戏 。