Upon posting a job opening for “Planetary Protection Officer,” NASA space agency has received countless job applications, but none as original and adorable as the one by Jack Davis, a 9-year-old with all the right qualifications to be a “Guardian of the Galaxy.”
美国宇航局自公开招聘“星球守护官”以来收到了不计其数的申请信,其中一封来自一位名叫杰克·戴维斯的九岁男孩,他的申请信可爱又充满创意,满足了要成为“银河护卫队”一员的所有条件 。
“I have seen almost all the space and alien movies I can see,” Jack explained in his letter. “I’m great at video games. I am young, so I can learn to think like an Alien.”
“我几乎看遍了所有有关太空和外星人的电影,”杰克在信中解释到 。“我很擅长打电子游戏 。我很年轻,所以我能学着像外星人一样思考 。”
Jack’s letter went viral after a family friend posted it on Reddit, and when it eventually reached the space agency, NASA’s director of planetary science division himself engineered a perfect response for Jack on Twitter:
“It’s about protecting Earth from tiny microbes when we bring back samples from the Moon, asteroids and Mars.
“我们要做的事情是当我们把月球、小行星和火星的样本带回地球时,能够保卫地球,让它不受其他小行星的伤害 。
It’s also about protecting other planets and moons from our germs as we responsibly explore the Solar System.”
我们还要在探索太阳系的时候负起责任,保护月球和其他行星不受我们伤害 。”
NASA encouraged Jack and others to study hard and to one day become the real “Guardians of the Galaxy.”
美国国家航空航天局鼓励杰克和其他孩子努力学习,有朝一日能够成为真正的“银河护卫队”的一员 。