36种药品纳入医保药品目录 平均价格降幅达44%
日期:2017-08-14 21:04


The prices of 36 expensive drugs - half of them for cancer treatment - are now covered by medical insurance, after the authorities negotiated substantial price reductions.
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security negotiated with pharmaceutical manufacturers on 44 drugs and managed to cut prices of 36 of them to be acceptable for coverage by the medical insurance fund, Xu Yanjun, a fund management official at the ministry, said at a news conference.
Compared with retail prices last year, prices of these drugs have decreased by 44% on average, he said.

36种药品纳入医保药品目录 平均价格降幅达44%

Five of the drugs are traditional Chinese medicines and 22 are imported Western medicines.
Prices of the drugs may be adjusted further when the contracts between the government and the manufacturers expire at the end of 2019, said Yan Qinghui, the ministry's deputy director of medical insurance.
"We hoped we could make full use of the advantages of the fund's group purchasing to include more drugs in the medical insurance directory," Yan said.
