While everybody has some body hair, some women have darker and coarser hair on the face that are noticeable. Facial hair are usually found on the sideburns, upper lip and the chin, and along the jawline. Some people even have hair on the cheeks. This causes emotional distress and embarrassment.
尽管所有人都有体毛,但是一些女性脸上又黑又粗的毛发非常明显 。这些毛发多长在她们的鬓角,上嘴唇和下巴 。有的人甚至脸颊上都有 。这常常引发她们情绪上的压力和困窘 。
If one has the patience, discipline, and the will power to follow a regime, one can try some of the following natural methods of facial hair removal. These techniques are relatively safe and cheap; however, they need to be regularly used over a period of at least 6 months for results to be visible. The benefit of these techniques is that the ingredients are readily available in our kitchens and are known to be generally agreeable to sensitive skins.
如果你有耐心和自制力,并且希望找到科学的方法,你可以试试下面一些面部除毛的自然疗法 。这些方法相对安全且便宜;但是,在看到明显的成效之前,这些方法往往需要按计划施用至少六个月 。这些方法的优点在于所需物品一般在厨房就能找到,而且适用于敏感肤质 。
1. Turmeric
Turmeric powder, in combination with various other ingredients, is known to slow down the growth of facial hair and eventually stop it from re-growing. When a paste of turmeric and yogurt is regularly applied, it reduces the growth of hair. This method is particularly effective if started at a young age. Also Turmeric is a powerful medicine that has long been used in the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine, and has many health benefits.
姜黄粉与其它一些成分混合后可以减缓面部毛发的生长,最终甚至达到防止再生的效果 。把姜黄和酸奶混合后涂覆于皮肤,就能抑制毛发的生长 。如果年轻时就使用这种方法,效果尤其显著 。而且,姜黄作为一种重要药材,长期应用于中药和印度医药体系,对健康有很多其他的益处 。
2. Gram flour
Another effective hair removal method is the use of gram flour paste. A mixture of gram flour, turmeric, and lemon juice or fresh cream can be applied to the skin. Once the paste has dried, a washcloth dipped in warm water can be used to rub it off in circular motions.
另一个除毛的有效方法是使用绿豆粉面膜 。这是一种由绿豆粉、姜黄、和柠檬汁或者鲜奶制成的混合物 。将面膜敷在脸上,待干后用温水泡过的湿毛巾在脸上做圆周按摩,将其除去 。
3. Sugar wax
This is a natural version of the wax used in beauty salons, albeit much safer and better for the skin. It is made by heating a mixture of sugar, lemon, and water until the sugar melts and turns brown. This concoction should be used while it is still hot. After applying a moderately thick layer on the skin, a muslin cloth or a commercially available waxing strip should be placed on the area to be waxed. This strip should be pulled in the direction opposite to that of hair growth.
这是美容沙龙用蜡的天然版本,对皮肤更适宜,而且也更加安全 。它的制法是加热糖、柠檬和水的混合物,直到糖融化且变为棕色 。这种混合物必须趁热使用 。先在皮肤上涂上适当厚度的蜡,然后在涂蜡的地方贴上细纹布或者除蜡布条 。事后要沿着毛发生长的反方向揭掉布条 。
4. Pumice stone
Scrubbing the skin regularly with a pumice stone is a slow but an effective method to reduce the growth of unwanted facial hair. But this may not be good for sensitive skins.
用浮石定期摩擦皮肤,可以抑制面部毛发生长,这个方法缓慢却有效 。但是,这也可能对敏感肤质造成损伤 。
5. Spearmint tea
This remedy is effective if the growth of unwanted hair is due to excessive production of testosterone. A cup or two of spearmint tea made by soaking fresh spearmint leaves in hot water has been shown to reduce the levels of testosterone, thereby reducing the growth of hair. For results to show, this brew should be drunk every day.
如果那些令人不快的毛发是由过量的睾丸酮引起的,这个方法就会很有效 。将新鲜薄荷叶放进热水中,一两杯这样的薄荷茶就能显著减少睾丸酮的分泌,也就抑制了毛发的生长 。结果显示,为了治疗效果显著,要天天喝薄荷茶哦 。