1. Give proper notice.
1. 给出正式通知 。
If possible, give the appropriate amount of heads-up to your manager. For most jobs and companies two-weeks notice is standard but depending on your role and responsibilities, it may result in a smoother transition if you give them even longer. You definitely want to tell your manager in person (no sticky notes, emails, or texts) and then you should follow up with a formal resignation letter that outlines your last date with the company. You'll also want to discuss with your manager what the communication to the rest of the company, your teams, and clients will look like and when it will be shared.
如果可以,请恰当的提醒自己的经理 。对大多数工作和公司来说,提前两周通知是标准行为,但基于你的职位和职责,如果你更早一些通知经理,那这段过渡可能会更顺畅 。肯定是得当面告知经理的(不能用便利贴、发邮件或发短信的方式),之后你应该再写一封正式的辞职信,概述在公司的最后几天 。你也应该和经理商讨一下该在什么时候以何种方式告诉公司的其他员工、你的团队和顾客这件事 。
2. Keep it gracious and professional.
2. 辞职的时候要礼貌、专业 。
Start off with gratitude - talk about the positive experiences and skills you gained in the current job and company. When you talk about your departure, focus on the opportunities at your new job/company you're excited about, not about difficult personalities or any gripes you might have at the place you're leaving. Stay away from gossip or negativity.
开始的时候要感恩--谈一谈现有工作和公司带给你的积极体验和习得的技能 。当你谈论自己的辞职时,重点说一些新工作/公司让你感到兴奋的机会,而不是谈论在现有公司遇到的那些刁钻的人或困难 。不要八卦、也不要有负面情绪 。
3. Don't leave the job before you leave the job.
3. 离职前不要什么都不做 。
Keep up your responsibilities. Do what you can to support the transition. You want to leave on a positive note, pitching in as well as you can. And these days, it's not unheard of for people to go back to their previous companies - it's called boomeranging. I've done it and so have my friends and clients! And companies acknowledge that while you may be leaving to grow new skills and experiences and networks, they can benefit from your move in the future by hiring you back.
要有责任感 。尽可能地做些对此次过渡有利的事情 。你肯定不想辞职的时候给别人留下坏印象,所以尽可能地贡献一份力吧 。现而今,几乎没有人重新回到以前的公司--这就叫做自食其果 。我就干过这事儿,我的很多朋友和客户也是如此!公司承认也许辞职后你能学到新技能、获得新的体验和人际关系,正是因为这些新知识,未来他们也许能从雇回你中受益 。
4. Thank people.
4. 感谢大家 。
Take folks for a walk or coffee one-on-one, especially those peers and mentors who helped you excel and stay motivated at work. Let them know the positive impact they've had on your job, career, happiness (and I bet they'll share the same with you)!
一对一的和同事散步或喝咖啡聊天,尤其要和曾在工作上帮助过你,让你更出色、更有动力的同事和上司谈心 。告诉他们他们对你的工作、职业和幸福都产生了积极影响(我敢打赌,他们也会和你分享的)!
5. Keep in touch.
5. 保持联系 。
Develop a plan to keep in touch with these soon-to-be-former colleagues and build them into your professional network. Remember that these are colleagues, managers, and clients you may be working with again in some capacity or another, and/or you may need referrals or references from them.
制定一个计划与即将成为前同事的人保持联系,将他们纳入你的职业关系网中 。你要记住:某种程度上,这些人会是你再次一起工作的同事、经理和顾客,也许你还需要他们的介绍信呢 。