NASA计划急速推进 亚马逊科学家加入阿里巴巴
日期:2017-07-17 18:42


Internet powerhouse Alibaba Group Holding Ltd has appointed a seasoned scientist at Inc to spearhead its efforts in artificial intelligence, a move that will propel its so-called NASA plan to double up on technology research.
Alibaba in March announced a major project at its first technical meeting in Hangzhou, to galvanize the group's technological capabilities, code-named NASA.
Since June, Ren Xiaofeng, former senior principal scientist at Amazon and a Chinese citizen, has taken on the role as chief scientist and deputy dean at Alibaba's Institute of Data Science and Technologies, its global research and development center, the company confirmed.

NASA计划急速推进 亚马逊科学家加入阿里巴巴

Ren is recruiting a world-class computer vision team at a fast-expanding site in Bellevue, in the US.
In his four years at Amazon, Ren was the lead scientist at Amazon Go, using computer vision and machine learning, to transform retailing.
在亚马逊任职的4年间,任小枫是Amazon Go的首席科学家,利用计算机视觉和机器学习来重构零售业。
Prior to Amazon, Ren also had deep experience in vision-related projects at Intel Lab.
Alibaba said that Ren's coming onboard indicated an accelerated pace to carry out the NASA project, proposed by founder Jack Ma.

  • propelv. 推进,驱使
  • artificialadj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的
  • intelligencen. 理解力,智力 n. 情报,情报工作,情报机关
  • deputyadj. 代理的,副的 n. 代表,副手
  • announced宣布的
  • confirmedadj. 习惯的,积习的,确认过的,证实的 动词conf
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • transformvt. 转换,变形 vi. 改变 n. 变形
  • senioradj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的 n. 年长
  • prioradj. 优先的,更重要的,在前的 adv. 居先,在前