日期:2017-07-11 09:37


One question had been solved very early on.
Euclid had been able to show that there were infinitely many prime numbers, so that although in 1937 the number 2127 – 1 = 170141183460469231731687303715884105727 was the largest known prime, it was also known that they continued for ever.
也就是欧几里德证明了素数有无限多个。所以,虽然在1937年人们已知的最大素数是(图)2^127 - 1 = 170141183460469231731687303715884105727,但是人们知道永远还有更大的。
But another property that was easy to guess, but very hard to prove, was that the primes would always thin out,
at first almost every other number being prime, but near 100 only one in four, near 1000 only one in seven, and near 10,000,000,000 only one in 23.
一开始几乎每个数都是素数,100以内则只有1/4的数是素数,1000以内只有1/7,而到了10, 000, 000, 000以内,就只有1/23了。
There had to be a reason for it.
In about 1793, the fifteen-year-old Gauss noticed that there was a regular pattern to the thinning-out.
The spacing of the primes near a number n was proportional to the number of digits in the number n;
more precisely, it increased as the natural logarithm of n.
Throughout his life Gauss, who apparently liked doing this sort of thing, gave idle leisure hours to identifying all the primes less than three million, verifying his observation as far as he could go.
高斯在他的余生中,只要有空就去验证这个猜想,他很喜欢做这样的事。他检查了3, 000, 000以内的所有素数,死而后已。
