1.Congressman Darrell Issa (R-California, U.S.)
California Republican Darrell Issa is the wealthiest member of Congress, and with numerous arrests under his belt, he is also the member with the shadiest past. His worth has been estimated at $355 million, which Issa began amassing when his company developed the Viper Car Security System. The talking alarm featured Issa's voice warning potential thieves to "Please step away from the car." Ironically, Issa has multiple arrests dating back to 1972 for stealing cars and been accused of an assortment of other crimes, ranging from arson and insurance fraud to concealed weapons.
2.Mayor George Rosario (Groveland, Florida)
In 2016, the long arm of the law reached back 30 years to strip George Rosario of his Groveland, Florida mayorship. Rosario won a three-way race for the job, but one of the losing opponents insisted that the outcome should be overturned. Apparently, during his campaign, Rosario falsely claimed to have been awarded two Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart and to have served 21 years in the Army. He also neglected to mention his two 1987 convictions for dealing cocaine. A judge later decided that Rosario should not be allowed to serve as mayor after all.
3.RJD MP Mohammad Shahabuddin (India)
In a country that appears to be run by competing criminal organizations, Shahabuddin is the standard against which all of the many criminal politicians in India are measured. From campaigning from prison to releasing selfies while jailed, slapping around police officers, and killing off hostile witnesses and journalists, Shahabuddin lives large. A notorious crime figure before his long career as a PM, Shahabuddin has racked up 75 arrests, ten convictions, and has 45 cases pending since he began his political ascension. Recently, he was released from jail after being acquitted in a triple murder case that was disputed in court for 28 years and is now free to continue his political career if he so wishes.
4.Assemblyman Nelson Castro (Bronx, NY)
Former Bronx Assemblyman Nelson Castro had a string of arrests before being elected to office in 2009. He committed larceny in Michigan when he was 19, and grand larceny in 2003 (for bilking unemployment checks while employed), and was arrested in 2008 for accruing over $3000 in parking tickets. Finally, after being indicted in connection with a voter fraud investigation in 2009, Castro agreed to wear a wire for the FBI to gather evidence against other corrupt politicians while performing his duties as an elected official. "This guy couldn't be trusted from day one, and lots of people knew it," said Mike Soto, a community leader and reformer in the Bronx.
前布朗克斯议员尼尔森·卡斯特罗在2009年被选为公务员之前有一长串被捕记录。19岁在密歇根犯有盗窃罪,2003年犯重大盗窃罪(有工作时去领了失业救济金),然后在2008年因为欠下了3000多美元的停车费被捕。最终,卡斯特罗在他的议员就任期间,被发现参与虚假投票。2009年,他开始戴上窃听器为FBI搜集其他腐败官员的证据。“从一开始就不应该相信这个家伙,很多人都知道这一点,” 布朗克斯的社区负责人和改革家迈克·索托评价道。
5.Candidate Jordan Haskins (Michigan House of Representatives, 95th District)
An automobile enthusiast turned politician, Jordan Haskins has been seeking election to Michigan's 95th District House seat since 2014.
Growing up in Raleigh, North Carolina, Haskins had a number of auto-related arrests, but after moving to Saginaw, Michigan (possibly to be closer to the Motor City), he began to develop a "cranking" fetish. (Cranking involves pulling spark plug wires to masturbate while cranking the engine.) The police explained in their report that "Jordan would remove the spark plug wires, then sit in the car and masturbate while the motor was sparking and making noises."
He was arrested on multiple occasions for breaking and entering a building with intent, unlawful driving of an automobile, larceny and trespassing, and malicious destruction of personal property. "I was just a lonely, angry kid at the time," Haskins said. "If anything, I could be put on 'World's Dumbest Criminals.'"
So far, Haskins hasn't been successful in winning a seat in the House.