1."If You Don't Want It Printed, Don't Let It Happen" (The Aspen Daily News, Aspen, Colorado)
Started in 1978, The Aspen Daily News proudly embraces its position as a muckraking, investigative newspaper with the motto: "If you don't want it printed, don't let it happen." (In other words, watch your back!)
2."Right is of no Sex—Truth is of no Color—God is the Father of us all, and we are all Brethren." (The North Star, Rochester, New York)
Remember Frederick Douglass? President Donald Trump called him “an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice.” (He's been dead since 1895.) Douglass started a newspaper, The North Star, in Rochester, New York in 1847, after escaping from servitude. The paper was so named because slaves followed the North Star in the sky to freedom. It had a circulation of over 4,000 subscribers and eventually merged with The Liberty Paper in 1851 when it was renamed after the orator himself.
3."The World's Greatest Newspaper" (The Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois)
A bold statement, but a great paper nonetheless—founded in 1847, The Chicago Daily Tribune, owned by Joseph Medill, was one of the leading voices of the new Republican Party. Daily circulation grew from about 1,400 copies in 1855 to as high as 40,000 during the Civil War, when the paper was a strong supporter of President Lincoln and emancipation.
Between the 1910s and the 1950s, the Tribune prospered under the leadership of Medill's grandson, Robert R. McCormick. Calling his operation the “World's Greatest Newspaper,” McCormick succeeded in raising daily circulation from 230,000 in 1912 to 650,000 by 1925. At that point, the paper employed about two thousand men and women.
WGN Television's call letters are also derived from the “World's Greatest Newspaper" slogan.
The slogan last appeared on the front-page nameplate Dec. 31, 1976. (Photo)
4."Australia For The White Man" (The Bulletin, Sydney, Australia)
The Bulletin was founded by J. F. Archibald and John Haynes in 1880. It played a significant role in the encouragement and circulation of nationalist sentiments that remained influential far into the next century—Its writers and cartoonists regularly attacked the British, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Jews, and Aborigines.
In 1886, editor James Edmond changed The Bulletin's banner from "Australia for Australians" to "Australia for the White Man." An editorial, published the following year, laid out the reason for the new slogan:
By the term Australian we mean not those who have been merely born in Australia. All white men who come to these shores—with a clean record—and who leave behind them the memory of the class distinctions and the religious differences of the old world ... all men who leave the tyrant-ridden lands of Europe for freedom of speech and right of personal liberty are Australians before they set foot on the ship which brings them hither. Those who ... leave their fatherland because they cannot swallow the worm-eaten lie of the divine right of kings to murder peasants, are Australian by instinct—Australian and Republican are synonymous.
In 1961, when it was brought by Australian Consolidated Press (ACP), chief editor Donald Horne quickly removed "Australia for the White Man" from the banner. (Source | Photo)
5."The Newspaper For Those Who Can Read" (Nasha Canada, Toronto, Canada)
Nasha Canada is a community newspaper serving over 300,000 Russian-speaking immigrants from the former Soviet Union, Russia, Ukraine, and Israel living in the greater Toronto area—and if they can read, even better!