When Jennifer Cordts noticed a red spot that looked like a sunburn on her breast two years ago, she thought it'd be best to get a mammogram - just in case. The test came back normal, and she was told that the issue was she needed a bigger bra, she told WFAA, a Dallas-Fort Worth news station.
当珍妮弗·科茨两年前发现自己胸上长了个看起来像是晒伤的红点点时,她想最好还是去拍个乳腺X光--以防万一 。检查结果正常,医生告诉她问题不大,只需要买更大码的内衣就行了,她对达拉斯-沃思堡一家名为WFAA的电视台说道 。
Like any mom with access to the internet, she Googled her symptoms when the red spot didn't go away. The first result to come up was IBC, or inflammatory breast cancer. "Everybody was asleep, and I was terrified," she told WFAA.
像其她能上网的妈妈一样,当红点没有消失的时候,她上网搜索了自己的症状 。出现的第一条搜索信息就是炎性乳腺癌(IBC) 。"当时每个人都睡着了,而我十分害怕,"她对WAFF说道 。
She went back to her doctor for a biopsy and her suspicions were quickly confirmed: She had stage four IBC. When the doctor told her, all she could think about was the fact that her Google search said no one survives this kind of cancer.
她又去看了医生,进行了活组织检查,而后她的怀疑很快被证实了:她到了炎性乳腺癌晚期 。当医生告诉她这一消息时,她脑海中闪过的只有她在谷歌搜索时看到的事实:得了这种癌症,没有人能存活下来 。
IBC looks different than other kinds of breast cancer, which is why doctors didn't catch it with a mammogram. Women with IBC rarely never develop the stereotypical lump that most women with breast cancer do, Dr. Marleen Meyers, a medical oncologist at NYU's Perlmutter Cancer Center, told Health. (Meyers has not treated Cordts.)
炎性乳腺癌与其它乳腺癌看起来不一样,因此医生在拍乳腺X光时没有发觉 。患炎性乳腺癌的女性很少会像大多数患乳腺癌的女性一样长出典型的肿块,纽约大学波尔马特癌症中心的肿瘤学家马列·梅耶斯医生对《健康》杂志说道 。(梅耶斯没有给科茨看病 。)
Although this type of breast cancer only makes up one to five percent of all breast cancer diagnoses in the U.S., that doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously. Cordts was given between three and five years to live, and she hopes her story can be a warning for other women.
虽然,在美国诊断出的所有乳腺癌中,这种乳腺癌只占5%,但这并不意味着人们应该小看它 。医生告诉科茨,她只有3到5年的时间了 。她希望她的事迹能为其她女性提供警示 。
Cordt plans to spend the rest of her life checking things off her bucket list. She's already gonet o a Celine Dion concert and taken her daughter to the beach for the first time. "I really want this to educate," Cordt said. "I really want someone to go 'Oh my gosh I have redness in my breast. I better … push past the mammogram and ask for some more tests.'"
科茨打算余生都来做遗愿清单上的事情 。她已经听过了一次席琳·迪翁的演唱会、第一次带女儿去了海滩 。"我真的希望这件事能给人教育,"科茨说道 。"我真的希望有些人能这样'哦,我的天!我的胸上长了个红点,我最好还是跳过乳腺X光,直接去做检查吧 。'"
For starters, women should remember that lumps aren't the only indicator for breast cancer. Other symptoms of IBC include rapid breast growth, breast heaviness or tenderness, or inverted nipples. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, go get yourself checked out.
对初学者而言,女性应该知道肿块并不是乳腺癌的唯一指标,炎性乳腺癌的其它症状包括乳房快速变大、乳房变重或压痛以及乳头内陷 。如果你有上述这些症状,一定要去看医生!