Vague Texts Every Woman Has Sent to a Guy
Every woman has been there. You're lying on the couch in a blissful Netflix coma when suddenly you're hit with block after block after block of run-on texts from a guy. You try to politely eject yourself, but they're not getting the message. You keep sending the same smiley emoji and nothing else, but. They. Keep. Sending. Links.
每位女生都经历过这样的事 。你躺在沙发上,幸福的看着Netflix上的喜剧,突然你就被一个男生的短信轰炸打断了 。你尽量礼貌的回复,但他们却没有明白内涵意义 。你继续发着同样的表情,除此之外再无其它 。但他们却继续给你发短信、链接 。
Basically, texting is the worst and no one should ever do it, but since everyone does, here are a few of the vaguest, all-too-familiar texts every woman has definitely sent a guy who is just not getting it.
总的来说,发短信最糟糕了,任何人都不该发短信,但既然每个人都发的话,下列就是一些每位女性都发过的最为模糊且大致一样的短信,但男生们就是不懂 。
Text: "haha"
Translation: "I need this chat to end already."
含义:"赶快终止这段对话吧 。"
By responding to a stream of "jokes" about Kim Kardashian with variations of "ha" "hahahaha" and the ever-powerful "haha," this is an attempt to bore the texter in question into fading away. Like a road possum playing dead, I'm just hoping this conversation will hop in its Hummer and drive out of my life forever.
用"哈""哈哈哈哈"和最有力的"哈哈"等各种变体来回复对方发送的有关金·卡戴珊的一系列"笑话",就是为了让对方感到无趣,不要再发短信了 。就像装傻一样,我希望这段对话能赶紧终止 。
Text: "lol"
Translation: "Your sense of humor is GIFs of people getting hurt and trash-talking everyone, and I feel like I'm cringing my way into a bleak abyss."
含义:"你的幽默感就是人们受伤的动图,以及不断讲废话的动图,我感觉自己正在陷入一个黑暗的深渊 。"
Similar to "haha", but with a stronger undercurrent of vitriol.
与"哈哈"一样,但杀伤力更强 。
Text: "lmaoooo"
Translation: "I genuinely liked this and want you to not mistake this for an 'lol'!"
You actually did send an A+ dog meme, but I'm with people right now. But I want you to know that you did a great job - my friend asked me why I cracked a smile while she was in the middle of venting about her roommate. So nicely done! Gotta go now though!
Text: "wow!"
Translation: "I have no idea what to say!"
You just sent me a link on the difference between true craft beer and craft beer posers. I'm no t sure why you did or how you even feel about it yourself, so I will go with the very safe "wow!" and work with whatever you say next. Unless it was meant for a different girl all along, in which case, BYE.
你只是给我发了一个有关真正工艺啤酒和工艺啤酒装饰差别的链接 。我不知道你为什么要发这个给我,也不知道你对这个链接有什么想法,所以我就说个安全词"哇!",然后看你会发什么 。除非你至始至终都是想给另一个女孩儿看,但如果是这样的话,那就再见!