日期:2017-06-16 10:35



I have a 13-year-old son and an 11-year-old daughter. They are both going to get smartphones this summer. Neither has a social media account at the moment. I'm really struggling with what the "rules" about reading their texts should be. I know I'm their mom, and I want to keep them safe, but they're good kids, good students, and it feels like an invasion of privacy. What about when my son has a girlfriend?? Would love your (and your kids'!) thoughts on how parents can enforce boundaries and ensure safety without feeling like a power-thirsty KGB agent? Thanks.
Honestly, I can predict some of how my kids will respond to various issues: I knew they would bristle at the word "rules" in your question (they did), and I knew they would be appalled over the potential invasion of privacy (they were). But what they both immediately resented was the near-parenthetical mention of the fact that these are good kids. "I'm sorry," the 17-year-old said, "but that's kind of the main thing. They're good kids. Reward them for that. If they don't give you reason for concern, then don't be concerned just because you feel like you're supposed to be."
The 14-year-old feels similarly that the main issue is character - "What we called the 'pillars of behavior' in fourth grade. Not rules about specific things, but guidelines for how to be in the world. If they're nice and kind and safe, then that's how they're going to be on social media too."




I'm with them on this: you don't have to follow the generic parenting script about generic kids. These are your kids, whom you know; they are not going to get phones and turn into Damien from Omen III or a prostitute.
But there are other issues here that must be reckoned with, good kids or no. One is that social media is addictive, and kids - people in general - do not tend to be the best arbiters of their addiction. That is, despite how furious my own kids have been about rules, we did make some rules about phone use when 17 first got his, because look - it's a phone.


